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Q&A With Cheyenne Cochrane

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Cheyenne Cochrane
Founder, C She Does It Enterprises, LLC, Self

Location: Washington, DC United States
Birthday: Nov 24th
Joined: Aug 7th, 2006
About   (request update)
Current Whereabouts:
I am currently in Washington,DC
Education   (request update)
Howard University class of 2008
Undergrad Major: Marketing
Campus Organization:
Delta Sigma Theta
Claim To Fame:
Going into my Junior year at Howard I have been elected the School Of Business Student Council Secretary. I am Also a member of the yearbook staff and the 06-07 Arts and Letters Chair for Alpha Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. I am a Finance major and have maintained 3.00 GPA. I hope to one day own my own business and conintue to be a mentor for other African American youth who have high aspirations for their future as I do.
Most Memorable Moment:
My Most memorable moment thus far has had to be the day I became a Delta and when we came out in front of the entire campus. It was a trying time for me, mentally and scholastically but it was all worth it to know that I had finally acheived something I had been wanting for years.
I currently work with Self as Founder, C She Does It Enterprises, LLC
I have 0 years of experience working in the Finance/Economics industry.
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