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Q&A With Cymone Bland-Coleman

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Cymone Bland-Coleman
Location: Nashville, TN United States
Birthday: Oct 5th
Joined: Oct 23rd, 2006
About   (request update)
Education   (request update)
Tennessee State University class of 2010
Undergrad Major: Psychology
Claim To Fame:
My claim to fame after college consists of going into pyschotherapy for children in a in a place where the cost of living is high so I can get paid.
Most Memorable Moment:
My most memorable moment just happened on October 22, 2006. I went to the haunted woods in Hendersonville and that was beyond scary, and to top that off on the way home we saw a dead body on the side of the road.... It was so wierd and creepy. I called 911 to report it but they told me that they couldn't do anything and told me to call another number... I did as I was told and they didn't answer, it went to voicemail... I guess no one cared!
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Guestbook Comments
hello how are you, i'm about to come tnstate for gradschool trying to gets some contacts before i come up there, peace!!!!!
Tagged by Thomas Spann, Jr. on 07/09/2008  
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