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Q&A With Denesha Factory

(interview me)
Denesha Factory
Location: Dallas, TX United States
Birthday: Nov 11th
Joined: May 29th, 2003
About   (request update)
My Interview Question
Where fo you see yourself in 5 years?
Current Whereabouts:
I am working in the mental health field, halping adults with mental disablities gain access to employment and community volunteer opportunities.
Education   (request update)
Hampton University class of 2006
Undergrad Major: Recreation Management
Campus Organization:
Tau Beta Sigma
Claim To Fame:
My "claim to fame" would have to be my mouth...I mean I talk alot and I don't know of anyone that talks as much as me...And the fact that I talk about Target alot because I worked there...I am a proud member of the Hampton University Marching FORCE!!! No I don't play any instruments but I am a vital part of the band. I am also a proud member of the wonderful sisterhood of Tau Beta Sigma National Honorary Band Sorority Inc. Spring 2005 "Sensational ACE"
Most Memorable Moment:
I have several...President Harvey's 25th anniversary gala and the O'Jays...the huge snowball fight on Bemis lawn...the many fights at "The Legion"...the freshman stepshow (we didn't win but it was rigged)...and my first greek probate as a college student...the many talks about relationships with my brothers in the Moorings...What Decatur would call the "Mike" situation...The many roadtrips with the FORCE...My Spring 2005 Probate....
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