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Q&A With LaToya Loria Carter

(interview me)
LaToya Loria Carter
Location: Tallahassee, FL United States
Birthday: Apr 2nd
Joined: Jul 13th, 2003
About   (request update)
Current Whereabouts:
Right now, I am in Ft. Laudredale waiting to start college next month. I have lived here all my life, so Tallahassee will be a big change. ****** And a change it has been. This is my third year in Tallahassee and I believe I have learned more in these 3 years than I have in my entire lifetime. I have never stayed on campus, so I have had to learn to budget, be respsonsible and flat out discipline myself.
Education   (request update)
Florida A&M University class of 2007
Undergrad Major: Business Administration
Claim To Fame:
After helps me get through college with a scholarship, I will have to donate since I will have a lucrative career in the Business and Economics field.
Most Memorable Moment:
My most memorable moment of all time was this past weekend (July6-8) at Florida A&M's TOPS session from the incoming freshman. This orientation was the most fun and information filled experience I have ever had. I cant wait to start in August. ******** I am now a Junior at FAMU and I must say, there is nothing like an HBCU experience. I wouldn't trade it for one of those ivy league universities.
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Guestbook Comments
What da deal this DEOPE showing that BAMA STATE pride return da favor and sign my guestbook DURTY SOUF fo LIFE YEAN HEARD !!!!!!!!!!!!
Tagged by Depoe jackson on 05/11/2005  
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