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Q&A With Miah Johnson

(interview me)
Miah Johnson
Location: Baltimore, MD United States
Joined: Dec 20th, 2003
About   (request update)
Current Whereabouts:
Currently, I am attending Bowie State University in Bowie, MD. But I reside in Baltimore, the place to be!
Education   (request update)
Bowie State University class of 2007
Undergrad Major: Computer and Information Science
Claim To Fame:
After college, I wish to be working at N.A.S.A as the head of the computer science department. That is why my major is computer science/technology. I want to be recognized as an intelligent African-American woman who has accomplished such a wonderful task.
Most Memorable Moment:
The most memorable event I have expierenced in college was in November when Presidential Candidate, Rev. Al Sharpton visited my school. He gave a speech about his plans, aspirations, goals and plans for improving the United States. He gave a very good speech as well as valuable information. One memorable quote that Mr. Sharpton said that I thought was interesting was, "In the past, black people fought for the right to vote, now that we are able and free to vote and let our voices be heard, we don't even vote. This, to me, is absolutely foolish!" Another valuable moment was when my friends from the infamous TOP TEN won the Family Feud game. We truly are the best!
My Groups
The living life for christ club
HBCU Fashionistas
Guestbook Comments
Hey Miah Mia just showing you some luv.
Tagged by Zipporah Greene on 10/14/2008  
Good luck in all that u do.
Tagged by Rashana White on 02/21/2006  
Hello this is Ivy! Congratulations for taking one step closer to your goals. Have a good summer and don’t forget to return the favor! .~*ONE*~.
Tagged by Ivy Wells on 05/22/2005  
Whats do Bowie State University students do For Fun
Tagged by nicola brown on 04/03/2005  
Hey Queens, keep doing what you are doing. Stay focused and NEVER forget why you are in school. Remember, Boy’s before books brings baby’s. take care.
Tagged by William Lyle on 06/15/2004  
Hey Halle!!!!! What's the business my double. Stay poised ,proud, and pink for ever. Top Ten love to you number *4. Love ya,*2
Tagged by Mia Patrice Johnson on 03/10/2004  
Hi Miah
Tagged by Dominique Broadway on 03/03/2004  
Hey HONEY!!! I am honored by you signing my book! I know who you are, boo, and don't think that I don't! I luv you lovely ladies of TOP TEN; yall are truly tha greatest! When you see me, stop and know my door is ALW@YS open
Tagged by Tameka Wilson on 01/14/2004  
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