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Q&A With Donna Garrett

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Donna Garrett
Location: HOUSTON, TX United States
Birthday: May 1st
Joined: Sep 23rd, 2007
About   (request update)
Current Whereabouts:
At the present I am in Taiwan recording a jazz and poetry fusion c.d. I am working with Wakin, an award winning artist who has a wonderful band. He is a wonderful producer and I am learning a great deal about this music business from some young energetic people.
Education   (request update)
Miles College class of 1975
Undergrad Major: Sociology
Claim To Fame:
I am a poet, actor and all around performing artist. I am residing in Houston, Texas. I have been fortunate enough to be able to perform my poetry in Taipei, Taiwan conducting a spoken word workshop to celebrate Black History. The workshop dealt with the importance of diversity. It culminated with a spoken word production. Working with the students was indeed a wonderful opportunity. I have had the opportunity to perform at several Universities and Schools around the country. Working with young students provide me with an energy to keep going. The energy is phenomenal. I hope to be able to bring my talents home to Miles soon. Miles will always have a place in my heart. Keep on loving, Donna Garrett
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