"College has changed so much about the way I look at different situations that occur in my day to day living. I've learned to be the man that I have been raised to be, the man that God wants me to be, and to be the man that I dream of being. College has made me bolder as I used to be really shy and would often let ideas or thoughts pass without opening my mouth and sharing my mind. I don't give up the chance to meet new people or learn something new each day. I've learned that a good leader has to be a good follower as well. College has brought out a side of me that has been bottled up for years. The side that longs to help not just black people, but all people. I short, college has changed me from the boy that stayed shut up in his dorm studying all the time, to the man that is leading the way in accomplishing his dreams by living..."
""I can only define success by the amount of people I have tried to help. Bill Cosby once said, "the key to success is often hard to find; but trying to please others is the key to failure." I can only reach out to so many people, not all will be happy or moved, but as long as I know I did my best, God allows me to lay my head down at night and says, " my will has been done my son, now rest." "
"I do. So many have fought for our right to vote, yet we are among the group least likely to do it??? Voting is our voice. We vote for Americas next top model or American Idol, but pay little to no attention to the people being put into positions to run our school boards, cities,states, & counrty. Things aren't going to always go "your way" on capital hill or your "local hill." If you didn't vote then you shouldn't be mad at any outcome of any party. So vote, be heard it is very important, your way of life depends on it..."
"Those little 2 minute roast chicken flavored cups of noddles from Ramien... I could eat those every day...lol They are soo good... Probably made by a computer, but soo good...lol What's yours???"
My love for life & others is what makes me who I am. Helping people comforts my heart & that's what keeps me going. My grandpa always told me a man should have a big heart, help as many people as he can, be a leader as well as a follower, always be a gentleman, drink Cognac & develop a taste for Jazz...lol. He was everything to me. I am the man I am today because of what he taught me. (And all the whippin's I got helped too...lol)
USAF Firefighter is my primary duty but i'm also working United Nation interest at the US Embassy in London while studying for my Ph.D at Cambridge University at Royal Air Force Station Lakenheath, United Kingdom
Life & Professional Aspirations:
Finish my Ph.D & run for an office position, some day I'll be in Congress or the Senate... Once there I will be in a position which will enable me to reach a larger audience with more impact to help bring our people & this world out of the 'slums.". With each greater position comes a greater opportunity to make bigger changes to our communities, country & the world... But why stop there? Dare I say the White House??? The United Nations Secretary General??? Only time will tell, I let God order my steps. I would like to open professional development schools in every state targeting areas where people aren't given a lot of oppurtunities to better themselves. Nil Satis Nisi Optimum for all people...
Hasn't happened yet but it will surley come...It just needs a little help to get rolling along... I Strongly believe in helping others help themselves. If we as a nation get our degrees & dilpomas, start fortune 500 companies & adopt an, "I worked hard for mine, get yours yourself." attitude, we are done for. We live in a world that is already ruthless. It seems there are more African American Males my age in prison than in school, what's wrong with that picture? My claim to fame will be to create a foundation of leaders & followers to stand out and make a difference in the world by encouraging our people to rise up against violence, drugs, mis-education, & start helping one another to lead our communities, & our Country... I have seen more pointless death than ones for the right reasons, either way you look at it kids are dying, young men and woman, parents laying their children to rest over things that don't matter. That's more then any one person should have to bare... Sometimes people take for granted what freedoms we have in this country, It's not perfect though there are still a lot of social, finacial, racial, and a whole list of other barriers in the USA that need to broken if we are to be "truly free."
Most Memorable Moment:
Getting out of the country to see the world and really get a first hand look at our country from other's points of view. Being able to work with members of other nations & learning what it takes to lead a country, its military, & how to help its people... I was blessed with the chance to meet former British Prime Minister Tony Blair & Traian Basescu the president of Romania. The advice on leadership I got from them was invaluable & something I will always remember.
High School: Lakewood Senior High in St.Petersburg, FL
class of 2004
Activities & Accomplishments:
Captian Boy's Tennis Team-02-04, Drummajor-04,
Captian Varsity Baseball Team-01-04, Captian Boy's Swim & Diving Team-01-04, 6th in class of 237, NHS, GNHS, Senior Hall of Fame.
Best Memories:
The Friday night football games... Marching during half time & MLK Parade. Thursday night Baseball games hammering down on Gibbs & Boggie. The flawless 03 tennis matches, all 7 Proms. Winning a cheerleading competition. Detentions in Dr.Dents class every other week because of our "debates" on different political/social issues.Being exempt from AP finals and playing playstation all day in Mr.Words class. Playing with the band one last time during graduation. Starting my first day of college out of high school as a Sophmore...
I currently work with US Department of Defense
as Fire Officer/ UN FSO
I have 3 years of experience working in the
Military industry.
Hello, how is your health hope fine, i,m miss charity single i went through ur profile today at, and i took interest to know you you more by writing to you, hope you don,t mind if it meetup ur desire plz write to me at my private Email(charity4real2@yahoo.com)for more conversation and i will send you my pics as we move to know each other better.
Thanks from Charity.
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charity hope on 01/29/2010
I guess we'll all have to make the best of our assignments:) Although I'm ready to leave here, I will miss the life we have made here, friends, etc. these past few years. Good luck to you out there in OK. Take care!
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Daralyn Griffin on 03/11/2009
Man, I know your too happy to be going back to the States! We just found out we have to stay until June now, but we will get longer leave to go home in return so not too bad of a trad-off. lol. What base are you headed to in OK?
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Daralyn Griffin on 03/09/2009
Hi! Sorry I just got your comment. How do you like RAF Lakenheath/UK? We live in Huntingdon near RAF Alconbury (my husband works at the JAC on RAF Molesworth). After 3 years we are glad to be moving on! 2 more months and back to the States to visit then on to Germany:) How long do you have left here?
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Daralyn Griffin on 03/05/2009
Well then...some trail blazer we've got here.. I cant but admire your thirst and drive for greatness in life and beyond... Your profile gets any young man out there thinking..Goodluck and keep the flag up. Drop a line sometime...
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tre fellipe on 12/14/2008
iCH war mehr interesse an meiner deutschen lehrer der concentration camp stories in der klasse. Denken sie daran paar nur ein sie worte. Sie war etwa high school life? German Es ist mir jetzt kopfschmerzen, zu meinem bedauern
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Bill Cooper on 12/09/2008
Hey Dev, good to hear from U Bro, I hit U back, take care.
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WILLIAM W. HEMMANS III on 07/26/2008
Keep up the good work! Thanks for the visit.
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La'Shaunda Washington on 07/25/2008
I hope you have gotten some R&R this summer! Have you been to that great city of St. Petersburg recently -- I lived there for about a year. Take care, James
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James McTyre Jr. on 07/20/2008
:( I am sooooo sorry Jazzy Jazz!
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Priscila Jay on 07/15/2008
It's a blessing to finally meet someone who has a heart to help others. This is such a take and take world, not a give and give. http://detourstodestiny.tripod.com
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Dee Cooper-Durden on 07/14/2008
wudup bruh.....check yo inbox.....I hit U back.....holla back iight
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Jamar Spires on 07/01/2008
God Bless you my brother
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LaTonya Kirksey on 06/27/2008
I admire your strength. I enjoyed reading your claim to fame. Almost sounded like my favorite sunday morning! LOL
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LaTonya Kirksey on 06/25/2008
Keep up all the good work...:-)
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Stephany Cox on 06/24/2008
I need all the prayer i can get.lol thanks 4 the comment. Good dayz
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rosa thompson on 06/24/2008
you seem cool. keep doing what you do and helping others. Just but helping one person you minister to another. God Bless
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rosa thompson on 06/24/2008
hello, how r u? i see you came by my profile and didn't even speak
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Erika B. on 06/21/2008
Thanks I appreciate that and I wish you the best in all your future endeavors! Stay blessed and strong my good man and I look forward to a future of us working together to make America and the world better.
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Hodari Brown on 06/20/2008
Seemingly great interpersonal skills! Keep us on our toes intellectually. Take care.
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James McTyre Jr. on 06/08/2008
Your comments in "Single, Black, Female -- Disrespected" were informative. Reading and researching give "opinions" a factual face. Thanks for your two "case studies"
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James McTyre Jr. on 06/03/2008
Your words are truly inspiring. I wish you the best of luck on all your future endeavors
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carolyn hill on 03/02/2008
Hey man wassup?! I hit you up in your mail. Good to hear from you Bro. and hope all is well. I see you are back home, I miss it, esp. the beach and the park. William
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WILLIAM W. HEMMANS III on 02/25/2008
Thanks for hitting me up, we should definitely connect and collaborate. Our goals are very similar. Hope all is well! JC
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Jon C. on 02/24/2008
Hey, wat’s up? So everything’s good here cuz u know i just got accepted to Howard University!! YAAAY! But senioritis is hecka real and I’m trying push through these last few months. Anyway I hope all is well with you! Deuces
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????? ?????? on 02/23/2008
Yes I d remember waht happened at 12:26am.....I'm still smiling! LOL!!!1
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Jasmine Jones on 12/24/2007
Hey wassup Bro, jus want 2 give credit where due & send appreciations 4 the Friendship, we lived 1 bridge apart so that makes us Home Boyz. I wish U best n All prosperity. Blessings, sincerest Rattla Alum p.s. Army #1!
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WILLIAM W. HEMMANS III on 10/22/2007
The Air Force is the way to go. I support our brother services because we all need each other in order to be effective. The Air force is amazing, it is a cut above the rest. I love what I do...
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Devon Smith on 10/16/2007
How is it belonging to the force?
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ROBERT FRANCE on 10/11/2007