I just wanted to stop by and show you a little JSU Luv. Have a wonderful day. Get back with me...
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bob Brown on 06/13/2007
Let me know if you need any assistance with pro modeling... I have a firm that is in the grow stage and you may have an opportunity to do some PR with me...
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A. P. Brantley on 09/12/2005
How you doing Antonia just passing thru showing u sum luv hope you having a good freshman year. Holla at me wen you get a chance
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Chris Coleman on 02/09/2005
hey Antonia whats up? just wanted to show u some love. Holla back at me
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Marcus Cowans on 01/12/2005
Hey Antonia, this Shivon from choir, I jus thought i'll hit up ur page. See U back at school next semester!!!!! One!
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Shivon Jackson on 12/29/2004
Save Money Next Semester on your Textbooks, Electronic, and school supplies by buying, selling, and trading these items directly to other students on AUCexchange.com. AUCexchange.com will launch in 2005 to begin the spring semester.
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Chris Johnson on 12/17/2004
Antonia whats up!! you know who this is i dont even need an Introduction.. stopin by to show you some luv... Keep practicng those ground balls!! : )
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Daniel Lang on 12/05/2004
Peace from Philly, good luck in all you future endeavors
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Aziz Collins on 09/22/2004
Wassup, jus droppin by to spread the AUC love. holla at ya boy
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Reginald Lucien on 09/02/2004
I'm just stopping through to show some luv. You're going to love it in the Auc. from Da House.
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Michael Robinson on 08/28/2004
"sure" not summer and I will also let you know if I find out anything
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Mecca Moore on 08/10/2004
Sweetie you aren't bugging me....There are some very good churches in the area...You are coming to the south (lol)...but I am not quite summer about pentecostal
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Mecca Moore on 08/10/2004
Hey Antonia I am not staying in the dorm this year, New Res is the best dorm (its newer) and you do not have to worry about community showers.
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Mecca Moore on 08/10/2004
Welcome to the AUC, you are gonna fall in love with tha AUC and Atlanta, its the perfect blend of academics and entertainment, holla if you have any questions, 1521
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Vandy Gaffney on 08/09/2004
Whas good. Thanks for the luv. I hope to see you soon. Thas crazy that you stay in Bermuda. Enjoy the rest of your summer there. 1
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La Keisha Lee on 08/06/2004
I'm stayin in Bumstead. And I'll be there on the 18th for the CAU Experience. What about you?
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La Keisha Leek on 08/06/2004
Yep as long as we got JC on by our side, I'm sure everything will be aight
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La Keisha Leek on 08/06/2004
Wow, Bermuda!! Yea and I thought movin from Tampa was hard. Ha-ha you win on this one fareal!! See you at CAU Experience. Holla Back
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La Keisha Leek on 08/06/2004
holla at me, im at morehouse, and I WANNA meet you, and do you party, cus when school start I can show you where thats at!! and you look good in your picture too
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charles whitman on 08/04/2004
Jus wanted to show u some love and Welcome U the AUC and America
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Chris Johnson on 08/04/2004
whoaaa, welcom to cau, u made a good choice mama, and i see u a P.R. U should holla at MECCA MOORE because she is a public relations major and she got her stuff together, but anyway, take it easy
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GUMBO . on 08/03/2004
just wanted to say hello and welcome u to the AUC...as my spelman sister...if u got any questions or just wanna talk...holla at me..peace...
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Spencer A. Burton-Webb on 08/03/2004
Hey girl! Thanks for dropping a note on my guestbook. I'd be more than happy to show you ropes at CAU. It'll be your new home for the next 4 yrs, so it's important you acclamate well! E-mail me: c_g_adams@hotmail.com :-)
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Caroline G. Adams on 07/30/2004
good look in my guest book hope to see u around and good luck on tranferring over this way. dont party to hard.
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LaRonn F on 07/28/2004
Hey! How you doing? How was ur summer? If you hav any questions or wanna talk, just get at me!
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Jonathan on 07/25/2004
hey girl judt showing some love u really representing the islands im half jamaican
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Melissa Knight on 07/25/2004
good luck and see you on the 18th :-)
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Carla on 07/25/2004
Hey I am a incoming coming freshman as well just trying to meet new people. Holla Back
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crystal monteiro on 07/23/2004
Hey just showin u some CAU love! Take Care :-)
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LaNise Thrasher on 07/20/2004
Hey gurl wuts goin on..we def are gonna be seeing each other since we are in the same major!!! So we def gotta get in touch at the CAU experience. By the way ill b in Merner Hall. ttyl
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Sharonda Johnson on 07/20/2004
I would love to keep in contact. Hit me back with your aim address
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Patrick Hand on 07/20/2004
summermec2003@yahoo.com, I am willing to tell someone my experiences as well as learn from them so that the "wheel does not have to be re-created everytime"
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Mecca Moore on 07/20/2004
Hey sweetie thank you for the note, its so important that we help each other climb, feel free to contact me, I am sure that you have many questions also if you need a "big sister" or just someone positive to be around
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Mecca Moore on 07/20/2004
Thanks for hitting up my page. As for the freshman dorms, they're just too close for comfort. Since you'll be residing in New Res. you should be fairly comfortable. New Res. is the best on campus facility aside to Heritage Commons.
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Georgette Marshall on 07/17/2004
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Sada(Sharde') McCoy on 07/16/2004