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Q&A With Karen Johnson

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Karen Johnson
Location: Lynwood, IL United States
Birthday: Aug 20th
Joined: Jul 13th, 2004
About   (request update)
Current Whereabouts:
on my way from Illinois to Florida
Education   (request update)
Alcorn State University class of 2005
Undergrad Major: Education
Claim To Fame:
To attend graduate school and become successful
Most Memorable Moment:
When i walked across that stage and recieved my degree
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Guestbook Comments
Hi, my name is Patricia Neely-Dorsey. I am from Tupelo, MS. I have just recently published a book of poetry that I think you would enjoy. Please check out my page for details.
Tagged by Patricia Neely-Dorsey on 09/07/2008  
Oh and also there is always something going on around campus , we have stars visit, politicans and last but not least we have some of the most romantic spots in the country because we are on the 7th highest hil in the country
Tagged by Johnnie Moore III on 07/21/2005  
hey fam is the oldest historcally black college and the atmosphere is great. the student is very friendly, greek faternitys and soroitys are fun with the parties and aslo acdemics wise some classes are hard depending on your major
Tagged by Johnnie Moore III on 07/21/2005  
Hey Karen, this is Gilda, just stopping by to speak. S-O-D
Tagged by Gilda COLE on 07/20/2005  
OK!!! I see you!! I was skrollin through and I just had to stop to speak.. holla at me!!
Tagged by Jay henderson on 05/08/2005  
karen u weak as h..l!
Tagged by Wayne R. Johnson on 11/30/2004  
I believe there is power in numbers and there for I'm always trying to build upon my network. This is a invitation to make a new friend so feel free to hit me back any time. (
Tagged by Aziz Collins on 09/24/2004  
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