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Q&A With Nicole Butler

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Nicole Butler
Location: Springfield, VA United States
Birthday: Mar 7th
Joined: Jan 10th, 2005
About   (request update)
Current Whereabouts:
back home waiting for summer school 2006!!!
Education   (request update)
Hampton University class of 2008
Undergrad Major: Political Science
Claim To Fame:
Chill, steppin my game up, gettin them grades up even more..and being that bad ass PA hard as hell (pershing angel)
Most Memorable Moment:
Moment: Sophomore year..all of it, it was fun!!! next year is gonna be no joke Person: Jamie A. Flowers Jr....the most important person in my life, even though we arent together anymore we are still friends and i still have much love for him. Event:Field Training with ROTC...always and forever a blast!!
High School: Hayfield Secondary School in , class of 2004
Activities & Accomplishments:
Cheerleading Pin, First Place in Tae-Kwon-Do tournament, 1st place and 2nd place in Tennis Tourment, 1st place in Basketball at FORT AP HILLS AJROTC summer camp, National Physical Fitness Award
Best Memories:
My most memorable event in high school is being apart of the AJROTC Drill Team. We have accomplished so much.My rank is a 1st LT(officer) and Bravo Company Executive Officer. I was a Drill team leader and Drill team commander. We won some awards and troph
Starting to see a pattern Starting to see a pattern
I just realized that valintines day is coming up. and it seems like before that time and my boyfriend whoever it may be, always break up....i never had a true valentine. thats kinda sad now ...more
Posted by Nicole Butler on February 3rd, 2005 • 2,226 Views
Dinner Time Disaster Dinner Time Disaster
Lawd have mercy if you werent there be very happy...i mean come on me and my friend was going to the cafe to get some dinner and what do i see...a big ass roach crawlin around like its the manager of ...more
Posted by Nicole Butler on January 31st, 2005 • 2,121 Views
BYB Come To Norfolk BYB Come To Norfolk
wassup yall..if your in the southern va Norfolk, GOGO band BYB(Backyard Band) will be preforming on saturday january 28th...i dont remember what the place is called but when i find out, ill ...more
Posted by Nicole Butler on January 22nd, 2005 • 2,103 Views
What is your future looking like?? What is your future looking like??
Do you really know what you want to do with your life after college? What are your goals, what do you guys want to accomplish. I reached one goal which was getting my Army ROTC scholarship. Now im wor ...more
Posted by Nicole Butler on January 16th, 2005 • 2,389 Views
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Paid Internship, Student Jobs available. Apply here:
Tagged by Jake Daniel on 06/30/2006  
Tagged by Ebonie Brown on 05/08/2006  
Sending you a Rattla Alumni show of Luv and Support, "God" Bless and keep up the good work. I'm proud of you Sis. I sent you a Valentine's Day poem I wrote, in response to your Blog:-) Hope you like.
Tagged by WILLIAM W. HEMMANS III on 09/21/2005  
You seem interesting, keep making life that way.
Tagged by Jonathan Hickson on 09/15/2005  
wassup nicole, just returning the love. Hope to see u around..U'll be able to find me. God bless
Tagged by William Huggins on 08/20/2005  
yeah things are cool for me im at work in scotland md makin that cheddar thats about it looking foward to the semester starting up soon
Tagged by Timothy Bennett on 07/06/2005  
Whats up babygirl? I just stop by to show some BLUE & GOLD LOVE from ATL,dont be a stranger holla back. ~1~
Tagged by Edward ( Chad ) on 07/03/2005  
whats good are you still coming to A&T holla at me and let me know
Tagged by Antonio Humphrey on 07/01/2005  
Whats up how are things hope you have a great summer
Tagged by Timothy Bennett on 06/30/2005  
Yup I am crazy, but someone had to do it. Did you like the show; who was your favortie?
Tagged by Jon Walker on 06/14/2005  
Just returnin the luv...I'm excited so excited about next fall...hope to see you around!
Tagged by Christian Hills on 06/13/2005  
Hey girl, sorry it took me so long to write you back!! I would really appreciate your help moving in if you have the time but it's not a big deal if you can't..shoot I'll probably have hella family there to help me out anyway...(LOL)
Tagged by Danielle Canada on 05/30/2005  
Hello this is Ivy! Congratulations for taking one step closer to your goals. Have a good summer and don’t forget to return the favor! .~*ONE*~.
Tagged by Ivy Wells on 05/20/2005  
wuts really good ma, i c y they call u pinky. n i c dat u a real busy woman 2. yea im sry 2 tell u dis but '09 bout 2 run it. lol. but get @ me lata. ~1~
Tagged by Sean Whitfield on 05/17/2005  
yea i'll be at pre-college this summer..i heard pre-college was mud fun...but i guess we can exchange numeros b4 i get there and i can hit u up when i arrive at our "home by the sea" lol..
Tagged by Candis Ames-Morton on 05/17/2005  
wat up girl? jus showin you that HU to ya lata chica!
Tagged by Candis Ames-Morton on 05/17/2005  
What's happening homie! Got your message: would love to be friends (can never have too many). Hit me up at anytime :0)
Tagged by M. Alyse Dorsey on 05/16/2005  
Hello this is Ivy! Congratulations for taking one step closer to your goals. Have a good summer and don’t forget to return the favor! .~*ONE*~.
Tagged by Ivy Wells on 05/13/2005  
Aight pinky, I see you.. I appreciate the note sweetheart. Whisper @ Me!!!
Tagged by Steve M. on 05/10/2005  
Just wanted stop by and show you some love from Phiily. When you get a chance check me out at or . Let me know what you think about the music. Peace & Blessings -Z
Tagged by Aziz Collins on 05/10/2005  
Tagged by LaTeresa (Tree) Johnson on 05/01/2005  
Tagged by Coach Wade Jackson on 04/29/2005  
Stopin thru to show u some luv...See u in the Fall!
Tagged by Cynthea V. Theodore on 04/29/2005  
whas happenin' ? just stopping by to show love to a future big sister. Just by reading yah PF. you sound madddd cool, and hopefully I'll be seeing you around campus in the Fall of 05' so get @ me.... Respect
Tagged by saffiyah muhammad on 04/18/2005  
Hey wats up? well thanks a bunch for the love. i really appreciate it! and i most definately am lookin forward to seein u around at hampton! :) -brittanie
Tagged by Brittanie Brown on 04/08/2005  
Heeeyy girl! Thanks for showing me that Pirate-love, I will definitely be talking to through AIM sometime. Can't wait to meet you come August!
Tagged by Keisha Ralliford on 04/07/2005  
Yup I remember when u wrote me in the forum too..Lol, yeah I'll see ya in the fall and I'll speak THIS time!! :)
Tagged by Danielle Canada on 04/07/2005  
Lol, yeaaaah that wuz me on HighSchool Day in the student center with her parents sitting at a table...I saw u too but I didn't say anything cause I thougth you'd think I wuz
Tagged by Danielle Canada on 04/07/2005  
Hey I just wanted to show u some HU love, I'll be there in the fall so be on the lookout for me!! BTW: How's Twitchell?? I might be staying there...
Tagged by Danielle Canada on 04/07/2005  
Hey whats up just coming through and leaving some luv on your guestbook, make sure you come by and do the same...Stay Up
Tagged by Tiarea Holmes on 04/06/2005  
Do what you love and love what you do. A-S-A-S-A-S-A-S-U.
Tagged by Coach Wade Jackson on 04/02/2005  
Hey Nicole...would you still believe I still have two cases of Samoas left? I'm surprised I haven't eaten them all...
Tagged by Darryl D. Smith on 03/14/2005  
whats up nicole just hitting u back girl...
Tagged by Shanique Daniel on 03/14/2005  
just showin some LU LUV...get at me
Tagged by Kenneth Wilson on 03/05/2005  

Tagged by Austin Jones on 03/03/2005  
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