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Q&A With Jazmine Gordon

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Jazmine Gordon
Location: Washintgon, DC United States
Joined: Aug 1st, 2004
About   (request update)
Current Whereabouts:
Howard University
Education   (request update)
Howard University class of 2008
Undergrad Major: Marketing
Claim To Fame:
Most Memorable Moment:
Me and my girls rented a car from this broke down car rental place. To go to the Howard vs Hampton game.We are only 18 so we couldnt rent a car from like enterprise. So when got the car it looked like it belong to us it had the check engine light on all the way to Hampton. Then on the way there I got a call from my friend.We were supposed to be staying at his house and he was in the hopstial. So I told my girl that I wasnt gointg to the game I was going to see him at the hospital. Then when we are like 20mins away from Hampton he calls me and tells me that he is out the hospital. And my cousin is already on her way to get me. Plus I need to buy some jeans so me and my cousin went to the mall and this fool calls and was like where are you at. I was like at some mall in Hampton he talking about me too. I was pissed but after all it worked out for the best.
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Guestbook Comments
Hey Queen, Stay focused and NEVER forget why you are in school. Remember, Boy's before books brings baby’s. Take Care
Tagged by William Lyle on 12/13/2004  
u gotta stay at the mecca...don't u kno u was a lost angel and u can be found at the real bison love
Tagged by Danyelle Hadaway on 08/25/2004  
Hey Girl, just saying hey to a future classmate I wish you all the best!! See you soon hopefully.
Tagged by Nicole Phillips on 08/05/2004  
what's really good? showing luv to a focused Bison from Cali...good luck in all u do and hoola at cha girl if ur ever in need of sumthin. ~1~
Tagged by Uchechi R. A. Anyanwu on 08/02/2004  
whats really good ma?? Holla at me when u get this message..1
Tagged by Keith Barclay on 08/02/2004  
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