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Q&A With Sheree Usher

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Sheree Usher
Location: Pacoima, CA United States
Birthday: Sep 23rd
Joined: May 25th, 2005
About   (request update)
Current Whereabouts:
Right now I am back in California. I am trying to put togather a Sign Language class to teach for the summer .I miss the south and I can't wait to go back and see many of my friend and finish my education. I love the exprience of an all black school, but I come home I am reminded that there are other races that do exisit so it's nice to have that balance.
Education   (request update)
Oakwood College class of 2008
Undergrad Major: Elementary Education
Claim To Fame:
My first semester of college i didn't join in many activities. I just try to focus on school and being so far away from home .The second semester I finally join a club: Art and Soul. This is the poetry club at my school. I was very nervous because most peopl had been in this group from last year. I ended up meeting a guy in the club and we started dating. When it came time for the Valentine's Day show, I worte a poem that just blew everyone away. it was called "Eureka, I found Him" . So from then on every one called me Eureka.
Most Memorable Moment:
Well I would have to say the most memorable moment in college had to be when I went down to Power 93.3, and read one of my poems on air. I gave my roommate a "shout-out" and also too all the people from cali. It was so cool to hear my voice on the radio.
High School: Birmingham Senior High in , class of 2004
Activities & Accomplishments:
Assitant/ sign language interpreter for speical ed track team.
Best Memories:
Every year my school has a sign language show. I have been in it these past two years. I love to be on stage doing sign language to songs.
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Guestbook Comments
Just wanted to stop by and show some love, from JSU. Have a wonderful weekend.
Tagged by bob Brown on 05/16/2007  
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