I am back in ATL for Christmas break. If you want to get in contact with me you can IM me, my yahoo name which is atlprincess0004. (Those are zero's). Or my AOL name which is princess223gurl. Hope to talk to ya'll soon.
I would say my "claim to fame" is being known as the misunderstood prissy girl. All my friends have let me know that they would have wrote me off as some prissy female until they got to know me. See ya'll shouldn't judge people, but I love ya'll anyways.
Most Memorable Moment:
I would say my most memomorable people are Francesca and Jessica. Frankie and Jess...I am going to miss ya'll so much. We had a lot of fun together and it's gonna be different next semester since ya'll won't be there. I would say my most memorable moment was Homecoming. We were so bored and we had to make our own fun. The fashion show was nice too...Hopefully next semester things will pick up.
OK....how did one of my blogs just up and disappear from this site???? Man maybe I should just stick to Xanga.
Jia ...more
Posted by Jia Herring on February 13th, 2005 • 207 Views
Well right now....I have been thinking myself crazy. The reason???? Valentine's Day is in 4 short days and once again it will be a bust.
My boyfriend and I broke up about 2 weeks ago. We decided ...more
Posted by Jia Herring on February 9th, 2005 • 277 Views
Ok, the females on my hall have now officially.....not pissed me off....but have kinda like disappointed me. Ok, let me begin the story. Last night, we had a dorm meeting. Our RA told us that there ...more
Posted by Jia Herring on February 9th, 2005 • 220 Views
Hey ya'll wasup? I am going to make this entry super quick because I have a lot of work to do. Today went well I guess. I have a new crush whom I will call...hmmmm....."Bronx"...he's from New York, ...more
Posted by Jia Herring on February 8th, 2005 • 180 Views
Wuz hannanin?! Come holla at cha girl...
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Angelica Washington on 08/16/2005
Hey Jia, I just wanted to sign ur page!! Can't wait to meet ya!! Later, Danielle
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Danielle Canada on 04/07/2005
Thanks Jia! Dont be scared, I just put up a blog explainin that im just a goofy guy that likes to eat and have fun ;-) And since you're so confident with your cookin.....?
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Greg Smith on 03/02/2005
Pretty southern lady....but can you cook?
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Greg Smith on 03/01/2005
jus had to send a lil HU love. Holla atcha DSGB
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Chazz S. Gilbert on 02/02/2005
Thank You Jia but i know this!!!
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Chris Porter on 01/27/2005
hey wassup, just wanted to stop by and say HI to a fellow HU gal....hope your having fund and hope your break went well...b e z and holla
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Nicole Butler on 01/11/2005
What's up. I've seen you around campus and you were in the car wit us with bobby one day. Hope you had a good break its almost over. See ya' in a little don't be scared to speak. Holla
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Catherine Leverette on 01/05/2005
Wassup Jia! Happy Holidays. See you in church on or if not i'll see you when we get back to HU. Enjoy yourself and Be Good
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Jaronica Byner on 12/29/2004
Wsup Miss Jia, had to stop byand show u a lil bit of love now that we've made acquaintances. Take care til we actually meet.
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Devin (Decatur) Franklin on 12/16/2004
wassup jia, showing some love from one leadership fellow to another, just wanted to show some northern hospitality.
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Brian Albritton on 11/22/2004
I realized jia that i never signed you guestbook. So i am returnin the luv hope to see you around campus.
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Darrian P. Mack on 10/29/2004
hey whatsup again.we should defintiely talk sometime.but its nice to know that u aare 2inches tall.lol.i dont have a problem with short people.haha.aim:detmi7mile
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Dominic Dinkins on 10/23/2004
hey whatsup.jus showin some love.like your profile and everything.holla at me when u get a chance
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Dominic Dinkins on 10/22/2004
Hi Jia, it's me Frankie!!! I hope everything is well with you. don't let "some people" make you mad, hopefully you know what i'm talkin about. see you later
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Francesca Woods on 10/19/2004
Jus returnin the love you gave me.
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Brandon Woods on 09/16/2004
wassup jia, just wanted to return the luv, keep reppin tha cuties, see u round campus of course
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Jaronica Byner on 09/03/2004
Y ea i think i do to ,,,,,But naw its all about Zone 4...That Ben Hill lol....but i hope to c u around as well ....Goodluck
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Reggie Davis on 08/22/2004
Ahh so i see you from College Park(Zone 3)...boooo.naw im playin Southside is cool.....Hope you have a great freshman yr and all....Hit me up when we get there....Georgians need to stick together...hit me back aight
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Reggie Davis on 08/22/2004
make sure u come to the Blue and White football game on Aug 28.
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Omar Williams on 08/21/2004
Thanx for signing my page. Yeah we will be seeing alot of each other considering the fact that we are gonna be HU for 6yrs. See u n the fall.
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Omar Williams on 08/21/2004
wasup Jia, did you go to pre-college 03? cuz i think, im almost sure that ive seen you before, but holla at me yo BrAnDoN aka B-NEL
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Brandon Nelson on 08/17/2004
Hey cutie how are u? Right now I am doing the Atown stomp in your memory. I hope I have the oppurtunity to be in some of your classes and to put that beautiful smile on your face. See ya
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Tyrone Dixson on 08/17/2004
I'm very happy to know you!!!
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Rachel R Cardona on 08/15/2004
Hey Jia!!! I'll be in VC also!!! Room N-8...
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Rachel R Cardona on 08/13/2004
Thanks for the love Miss Jia. I wish you the best in ya freshman year. If you need anything whatsoever, feel free to hit me up while we in the A or in VA. Take care of yaself. See ya in September
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Devin (Decatur) Franklin on 08/12/2004
Thanks for stoppin by and signing my page. I appreciate the love. Good luck with everything you do at school and hopefully I will get a chance to meet you some time. God bless.
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Jeffrey Cargile on 08/12/2004
Hey Jia, just coming thru to say hello, and hopefully I'll see ya on campus soon!
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Stephanie Henderson on 08/12/2004