I do not know what I'm going to do after college at this moment b/c I just changed my major to psychology so somewhere in the psych field I will get a job and go on from there
Most Memorable Moment:
Homecoming last year (Freshman year)the concert to be specific
Hey wats good showin u sum jerzee luv holla back aight 1
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Camille arson on 10/26/2005
yeah it is has been a long time. I'll be out there next week though. Holla back
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Andrea Bannister on 08/11/2005
617...All Day...Just showin' that BEANtown Love....Good luck @ Morehous! (BUt you're from the Bean...you don't need luck ;-)......Kisses from your FAVORITE Belle..*Janine*
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Janine Quarles on 07/19/2005
Jus returnin the love... See you in Aug.
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Erica Bassett on 06/27/2005
Wats good, im reppin Dorchester by way of Harbor Point. Just returnin that beantown luv..1
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Marquis Davis on 06/27/2005
what up? u know where to find me!! bye Chris ; )
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Andrea Bannister on 06/24/2005
hey i am sorry that i didnt talk to u in the chatroom I didnt realize u were trying to talk to me. But what's good. I am chillaxin in cali i will soon be in atl. so holla. drea
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Andrea Bannister on 06/15/2005
how's your summer goin
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Shatoria Smith on 05/23/2005
wassup chris....I'm just sending some of that South Florida love your way...Holla Back when you get a chance.
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Shatoria Smith on 05/23/2005
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Alesha Brandon on 05/22/2005
showin luv from the tweetest school I know
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Shari Williams on 05/22/2005
Hello this is Ivy! Congratulations for taking one step closer to your goals. Have a good summer and don’t forget to return the favor! .~*ONE*~.
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Ivy Wells on 05/19/2005
well if u wanna talk, ur gonna have to call mem, cuz i erased your number last year
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Sharra of Divine Ent. Group on 05/15/2005
I'm back in Boston for a few, cuz my first cousin is getting married tomorrow..well today now, and my great aunt died so I'm here til like next week, then I'll be in FL and back in the A for a while...what are ur summer plans?
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Sharra of Divine Ent. Group on 05/14/2005
Why am i seeing u on all my people's pages... wasssup, showing u some luv holla at ya gurl lata
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Beatrice Dubois on 04/23/2005
What's good... I needed some time to myself, so I've been in the cut. Plus im taking care of some "business", and I havent been around. I barely check this on the reg...anyway, be easy and take care.
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Sharra of Divine Ent. Group on 04/17/2005
I probably do know him, but I can't think of him right now. But my e-mail address is smplydvine07@aol.com. Aiight then.
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Andrea M. Brown on 02/13/2005
I might know him, what's his classification?
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Andrea M. Brown on 02/12/2005
What's up from Fisk University! Just wanted to return the favor and say hello! I wish you the best!
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Natalie Lewis on 02/11/2005
Thank you for signing my book and showing some AUC love
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Jamila Lee-Johnson on 02/11/2005
School is going good. How is school going for you? Holla back at me!
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Kandis D. Webster on 02/10/2005
Hey, thanks for the note. How you doing down there in ATL?? Holla at me sometime AIM SmplyDvine07
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Andrea M. Brown on 02/10/2005
Hey whats good, just came through to bless your page with my presence. Holla at me
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Kandis D. Webster on 02/10/2005
i am not sure, but i check my e-mail all the time.
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Kirsten Shillow on 02/04/2005
hey. my yahoo e-mail address is kscrgeorgiagal2@yahoo.com
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Kirsten Shillow on 02/02/2005
hi chris. just returning the love. holla at me.
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Kirsten Shillow on 02/01/2005
lol... oh u cant talk on here/jp...it is lilspelmanite on aol
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Amaris Evans on 01/24/2005
What kind of accident?
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Amaris Evans on 01/24/2005
Nah she goes to UGA, yeah I thought I remembered you and where is yo crazy friend becuz he was clownin, especially in the club
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Amaris Evans on 01/24/2005
Hey didn't u go on the Miami trip last spring break?
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Amaris Evans on 01/24/2005
yea i know. I just wanted to spread some love thats it. No harm done in that
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Marcus Cowans on 01/23/2005
yea dog i try to sign on every chance i get
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Marcus Cowans on 01/23/2005
thats about all i wanted to do when i went home too. im sure ill see you around the AUC. just holla at me if you see me out, i have a bad memorey sometimes do i may not recognize you.
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Darretta Whitfield on 01/23/2005
thank you for tae love. yes i did have a great break but i was so reay to come back to school.i hope yours was good too...
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Darretta Whitfield on 01/23/2005
yeah im on here.. lol thanks for callin me out like that.. ur a hata cuz u kno u like my hood lol
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Sydney Walker on 01/20/2005