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Q&A With Kimberly S. Smith

(interview me)
Kimberly S. Smith
Location: Pine Bluff, AR United States
Birthday: Feb 27th
Joined: Oct 18th, 2004
About   (request update)
My Interview Question
How would you define your worst characteristic?
Current Whereabouts:
I'm preparing to start a MMCE program in Fall of 2008. Wish me Luck. I'm in Little Rock, working for the State of Arkansas. This is just the beginning. You guys are going to see my face, my power, my know-hows within this next decade.
Education   (request update)
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff class of 2004
Undergrad Major: Criminal Justice
Campus Organization:
Zeta Phi Beta
Claim To Fame:
"Woman of darkest beauty, never forgetting HER reign, keeping in mind how weak HER Majesty becomes at the drop of her pour"
Most Memorable Moment:
My most memorable person in college was a wonderful young lady name Jennifer A. Howard. She had influenced so many young people during her walk on earth and was a positive role model for all. Using every bit of her talent and energy to drive others to do what was fitting for them. She also was my ("GG" UAPB Golden Girls 2000)
High School: Pine Bluff High School in Pine Bluff, AR class of 2000
Activities & Accomplishments:
Drill Team Marching Band Track & Field (Sprint/Shot put) Trainer (Off-season) Girl's Golf FBLA Spanish Club Special Olympics (Volunteer)
Best Memories:
Graduation (May 26, 2000) The New Class!!!
Matters of the Heart vs. Matters of the Mind Matters of the Heart vs. Matters of the Mind
Sooooo..... you've dated, you've searched, and you've gotton comfortable. Then the pitchfork is thrown in the road and you and your significant other has parted ways. Now.... this time can be either ...more
Posted by Kimberly S. Smith on May 4th, 2006 • 222 Views
Beta Beta.......  What's up!!! Beta Beta....... What's up!!!
What's up to my ladys of the most extraordinary sorority. What's up to Ragan (she is ALWAYS reppin). Hey Nicole(doing ur thing in Kentucky), and Alicia (she is ALWAYS about her business, setting exa ...more
Posted by Kimberly S. Smith on November 30th, 2005 • 210 Views
Venus vs. Mars (The New Era) Venus vs. Mars (The New Era)
You’re somewhat right. But why commit to someone who’s not ready to commit themselves 100%. I don’t want 70 nor 90%, I want the 100%. And if I can’t get that, then why receive it? But to answer t ...more
Posted by Kimberly S. Smith on November 22nd, 2005 • 271 Views
Real World Education vs. Real World Experience Real World Education vs. Real World Experience
Yeah Yeah... We all spent our money going to college, valuing ourselves for the future job market. The day you receive your Degree, you are now stepping over in the transition that our parents like t ...more
Posted by Kimberly S. Smith on November 10th, 2005 • 192 Views
My Groups
Guestbook Comments
CDs and other LOT 14 merchandise will be available this holiday season. Check our website for details on December 1, 2005. or
Tagged by LOT14 newERAnewSOUNDnewSCHOOL on 11/24/2005  
3 Virginians & 1 New Yorker, all NSU/HBCU students, all musicologists. Thanks for showing a sincere sense of support. I, as well as J-Rod, Tone, & Bran, encourage you to spread the word and to "experience life on the level of 14." Jynx
Tagged by LOT14 newERAnewSOUNDnewSCHOOL on 11/24/2005  
u r beautiful mercy
Tagged by SIE aka george simons on 11/23/2005  
Nice go out there and do some good down there in Arkansas!
Tagged by Terence Hendrix on 11/10/2005  
how are you doing, luv? i just wanted to say hello. hopefully you are up for making new friends. get back at me when you can. sounds as if you will be very busy 4 the near future. take care and keep doing what you do!
Tagged by quintaurus bradford on 11/10/2005  
call sumtimes well talk bout dat light dark thang
Tagged by Othello Mookie Burruss on 11/09/2005  
Greetings Sis, I C U have various Gifts like writing. I wish U the best in all Your Hopes, Dreams & Goals. No 1 can/ever or was meant 2 B just like U. "God" Bless, sincerely Rattla Alum
Tagged by WILLIAM W. HEMMANS III on 11/09/2005  
What's goin down Kimberly--Ya' boy ReaLystik
Tagged by DJ ReaLystik on 11/08/2005  
You have a flair for writing. Do you do any professional writing?
Tagged by Daniel Moss on 11/08/2005  
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