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how to get respect without being feared.
"Interesting, but why would one be FEARFUL of giving you respect? Are you displaying a bullying attitude? If a person isn't displaying respect to you, your best proable move is to leave that person out of your life. Respect is gained by showing respect."

Interviewed by charlie jackson 12/03/10

Are you willing to learn something new today? Why?
"Always willing to learn...Why? Never too old, to late and never can learn it all...LOL!"

Interviewed by George Milliken 12/03/10

What are some of your career accomplishments and contributions?
"Writing books is my career and I have accomplished publishing 3 so far. These contributions has given me continued determination and strong faith. I contributute what I write back so that others may read of me and become blessed in ways of keeping faith and endurance.--MIISRAEL "

Interviewed by Lloyd Bell 12/03/10

What is your passion and/or cause?
"My passion is love of Jesus Christ. It is the passion of The Christ. My cause is to love him forever... What a passionate love!"

Interviewed by Nina Avant 11/09/10 - What do you think about it?
"I think it's an excellent resource of information professionally, educationally and personally. I think...I am indicating that it continues! Thanks for becoming my friend LH!"

Interviewed by Leshell Hatley 10/16/10

What are the pro and cons of self-publishing vs professional publishing?
"Self-publishing is all I know! I know the pros of this kind of publishing is making it happen as your wanting it to. I also consider a self-publishing person a professional publisher by their own right. You have the agenda, the promotions, the attitude, the publicity and every work of doing just as you'll have it in every way! Sure, if you're looking for only the rewards of money-- professional publishing may offer you more in sales, but there are no guarentees. I have reached a conclusion within myself that my rewards of self-publishing are expanded greater. I share without monetary value. I share in love. I share because I am happy within. Giving and receving all these things from my self-publishing I am always a pro. To each his/or her own; but as for me it's better to be a self-pubisher and a professional giver. Nice question for writers... Thanks--MIISRAEL"

Interviewed by linda Peavy 10/15/10

Do you want to be filthy rich or just be able to gracefully meet every financial obligation with ease and simplicity?
""A little of riches is good... but meeting financial obligations better...yet, being the greatest of all of these are the riches of love!--MIISRAEL"

Interviewed by Debbie Kemp 06/27/10

What is a black person?
"Robert answering your question of "What is a Black person?" is almost like identifying each and every star in the heavens!. The meaning of a Black is a different to each own person's thinking. To some it is a color of skin or race. To others it may be what black is identified by society. Then a black person can be one who's heart if filled with darkness and wicked evil containments. Black is also the which is created when all colors are blended together. All colors blended make the color black. Answers to a Black person is known only by each individual and their meaning of a black person is how they understand what being black is. Like stars in the heavens...which shine upon the darkness of space. A Black person can be beautiful when there is Light shining upon them. That's it thoughts on your in depth question. Sending Love Dearest!--MIISRAEL"

Interviewed by robert powell 06/27/10

Tell me something interesting that everyone should know about you? Once you get to know me... You will know me..
"Cynthia, I don't feel I have real common interests to anyone! I live a very simple life. I find it somewhat interesting though; when I'm around in the public, I am often stared upon, people always speak in admiration of my looks, dress and clothing.... and they question my nationality a lot! They stare "profusely" sometimes sometimes they scare me. "I don't venture out for long periods of time." Children often smile and wave at me-- so I feel that's really interesting. Kids see the "real me" for who I am, and they know inside I am God's child. My spirit is very gentle natured."

Interviewed by Cynthia Merrill Artis 04/30/10

I am on a mission for GOD to spread LOVE with my talent and to help the homeless and cancer survivors.
"Linda this is a wonderful mission. I am of course, praying God give your more gifted ways in talents that help and aid the homeless and persons with cancer. May you be continued in your blessings of others! God Got U Girl!"

Interviewed by linda rollins 02/07/10

What defines a real conversation of integrity?
"A conversation that contains truth. No add ons, no pretending, just truth in knowing you can believe in what was said of you and the other person... and good speaking in hearing and sharing the conversation without gossip, hearsay or words that hurt."

Interviewed by O Z Gore 09/13/09

What is the one thing that would most help to create social equality between blacks and whites?
"The one thing that I feel would help and create equality is LOVE. We can do so much if we'd just love to love each. However, too many of us don't LOVE and equality suffers between the races of men, women, and children. One thing... LOVE. Thanks Steve, I know you already thought of that right?"

Interviewed by Steve Williams 09/13/09

What are your goals?
"Hi Sun! I'm glad you added the letter [s] on the word goals. I have reached many of them by finishing writing 3 published books. Now, I'm seeking to share them in a farther realm with people everywhere in the world..I'm talking about WINNIESPOETRY gone world-wide! In prayers and with God I consider it is well, and is done. Thank you for asking a super question! Hoping you are setting and reaching your goals too!"

Interviewed by Sun Smith 09/13/09

Do You Like To Read?
"I enjoy reading; but I'm like many readers I'm very selective. I like reading inspirational, love and contents of overcoming difficult odds. My most pleasant love is writing for those who like reading what I write! I enjoyed reading and answering this question! [Smiles] Thanks for asking .."

Interviewed by Mythical Bliss 09/12/09

On occasion 'pseudo' Christians have been met. Are you true/sincere?
"I can be truthful in saying I disregard any "faking" my following in Christ. I continue in prayer and in service to give honor to God in the work I do to edify the Lord of Heaven. I know there are plenty "pseudos" I meet them daily. Yet, I pray for them, and I try to exemply following the true way of Jesus Christ as he teaches me to become more like him."

Interviewed by Eliza Earsman 09/02/09

If walls could talk would they speak well of you?
"If walls could talk? Antre, I feel that walls do talk. It's in a silent language of one's mind. On the walls are writings of one's soul and images that are spiritual. Walls talk to me in the realm of my own existance. Hearing them speak is where I opened the barrier to examine my actions. Some walls would speak very well of me, I believe I have considered to have more of these; there are other walls that would not speak well of my actions. These walls I've covered with a fresh coat of white paint and have asked God for forgiveness in my love for him. " His Love has covered a multitude of my sins." Thank you for a provactive question."

Interviewed by Antre Drummer 07/29/09

What are your favorite movies?
"I love Jane Austen movies..all of them. I also like Batman movies too. The ones I've watched the most is a movie titled "Legend" and "The Piano" followed by Pride and Prejudice. Thanks for a great question."

Interviewed by Joseph Fenner 07/02/09

Have you ever felt like giving up?
"Being a author of several books, I have felt like I would never complete anything! Days, hours and prayers spent deemed me to think it was all so useless. However, when I felt that way I continued in using great heights of faith. Truly believing in faith I attained greater faith by trusting in Jesus. I did that when I wrote a poem called "Elevate in Faith" The first line of that poem is : When you feel like giving up!....You need to elevate in faith. Thank you for this blessed question, I much needed to answer to it."

Interviewed by Arthur Mackey 05/16/09

Who cut your hair?
"Physically or Spiritually? Physically, I cut my own hair, but I seldom do. Spiritually, I let the Lord Jesus design my head that I may serve him in truthfully and that he is the design by which my hair is fashioned. Super question if you look at from different perpectives. Thanks."

Interviewed by Derrick Hayes 12/27/08

What is your purpose, passion, and pain?
"I have a purpose to tell of a prophecy of The Lamb's bride. I do this by writing and publishing poetry of love writings from a bridal aspect. It's also my passion to give a special love in telling of this prophecy....and pain I suffer in the love of waiting on the return of Jesus Christ. I am waiting and in the pain it's all well that I hurt and yearn for him to come. I hope many will understand what I mean. I am thankful for your three part question. It was a pleasure to answer it!"

Interviewed by Brenda Nichols 12/06/08

What is your passion in life
"I have a passion to LOVE! I love wherever I go!"

Interviewed by Maurice Muhammad 11/08/08

Have your ever done a random act of kindness only so that person might pay it forward?
"Yes I have....And I've also assisted in paying forward to someone who has shown kindness to me. It involved $10 I borrowed to get gas. Then, later that same week when I went to pay it back, I was told to plant that seed to someone else. I did just that, I help another who needed $10 to buy their children something in a store. I felt thankful, because I passed it on to someone else."

Interviewed by Candice Creach 10/22/08

What book have you read that changed your life?
"Before I became a professional author, I hardly read many books. After my first book, I knew God has work in writings for me, and not to sound selfish, but I feel it's my own book Bo-God-elca! God's Bloody Bride. I have never such closeness to the Lord. This book of prophecy in a poetry play turned me completely around as how I view everything. I went into a new body of spiritual realm. I will never have the same life I had before. Though sometimes, I try to relate I find that I have truly gain the life of living in the spirit within a body of flesh. I have a new life and I know it's all due to Jesus taking control and my submission to letting him use me totally as his instrument. I praise him for choosing me to write of his Spirit of Prophecy"

Interviewed by Pam Perry 10/14/08

Do You Believe That Your Life is Fulfilled? How Do YOU Know?
"I believe I have much more work to do before I will have total fulfillment. I have had many visions and dreams shown to me, so I know there's more for me ahead. At this present time, I have all the fulfillment I can. I know this because, right now today I'm just where God would have me to be. I'm in my rightful place."

Interviewed by V. D. Coleman 10/10/08

Who is your Daddy? Mine is God.
"He's my Lover and my bridegroom. I'm totally in love with him!....mmm... I want to marry him."

Interviewed by Lesley Knight 10/08/08

What is your vision for your life?
"I have a wide visional. I am what you may call a dreamer. I have a vast imagination to reach high goals, and I follow my dreams! I give all the credit to my Lord Jesus, who has and is making my dreams of imagination come true! So many things he don and will be doing for for me have come true already!"

Interviewed by Dr. Carolyn Clansy Miller 10/08/08

What are some positive and constructive ways you deal with disappointments?
"I learned earlier in my writing career about disappointments and this left me with a feelings of failure. I dealt with deep emotional guilt overtures what I did was not "good enough" I prayed over it, and I got my answer...Now disappointments has a new meaning for me. "I don't claim them, as disappointments, but as I achievements.... something that was great from me that someone else denied.""

Interviewed by Will Saunders 09/25/08

(interview me)
Author/Writer, Self

Location: Memphis, TN United States
Birthday: Nov 28th
Joined: Feb 19th, 2008
About   (request update)
Author, Writer, Poetess and True Follower of Christ Jesus.
I have an extraordinary purpose as portraying and telling prophecy of God's Bride. It is a prophecy based on the books of Revelation. My spiritual name MIISRAEL means: " My God lives in me." It is pronounced l perform in a wedding dress where I portray God's bride. My poems and poetry are often related as prophetic.

THE FOLLOWING LISTS SOME OF MY ACHIEVEMENTS: Served as Vice-President of The Poetry Society of Tennesse for two years from 2004-2006. Awarded as one among Poets of the Year by Famous Poets Society in 2003. Received Shakespeare Award of Excellence in 2003. Former member of Poetry Society of America. 1998 Health Unit Coorindator of the Year Award from St. Jude Research Hospital, Performed on professional stage at The Cannon Center, Memphis, TN August 2004 -- Has recieved numerous awards in poetry and poetry contests. Recently nominated as Who's Who in America forthe year 2009. WINNIESPOETRY BOOKS is the trademark of my published materials and books.

I am the first Black, and Black woman to ever served office seat as Vice-President of the Poetry Society of Tennessee in Memphis, Tennessee. The Poetry Societies are national groups formed all around the United States.
My Interview Question
Do you make others smile?
Current Whereabouts:
Presently: Promoting of WINNIESPOETRY'S BOOKS & LITTLE TREASURE EDITIONS. These are my own design of presenting my poetry with photos albums. LONG AND /OR SHORT TIME GOAL: Will be revealing a bill-board adverstiment in Memphis, Tennessee of my WINNIESPOETRY line of published works and website. Recently did a public radio announcement on loving Hometown Memphis. LOVE THESE TALENTS AND HOBBIES! I love waterpainting, and collecting minature dolls. I have a few other projects where I'm working with photography and poster art. Which I have accomplished and actually sold a few pieces! Goal for this has come to pass! .....Loving expessions and I enjoy meeting and talking with lots of people! I venture out to visit various church congregations; and I make new friends whenever possible. Still being positive! I am looking to expand where I'll gain more exposure as an author/poetess. The Lord God is first, music is also my muse when I am writing or expressing. FIND ME ON-LINE! My website is listed below --or you can do a general search by typing in WINNIESPOETRY. I really love to express! Glad to have you visit and thanks for your interest in my profile. SENDING YOU A FRIENDS INVITE!! & BLESSINGS TO YOU!
Life & Professional Aspirations:
"IT IS YOU THAT I LOVE!" Believe it or not! I want to tell the entire world how much I love the Lord. I'll say it with these words "It is you that I love!" I keep writing of The Prophecy with my books of WINNIESPOETRY. Inspirations never leave! WINNIESPOETRY Read from my website:
Education   (request update)
Academy of Art Col class of 1973
Undergrad Major:
Claim To Fame:
Poetess, author/writer and spiritual prophecy poetry. Also artist and performer of poetry. I have written and published four books. A Yellow Rose Among the Red, It is you that I Love, and lastly my Playbook: Bogodelca: God's Bloody Bride is my book of a Prophecy play based on the book of Revelation, it's also the name of website, so don't be afraid of the name okay? And -- My latest book; CENTER PEACES: Meditations for Peace in Your Lifestyle. You can read about my books on my website, you are welcomed to visit me soon.! To purchase visit my web, or visit many on-line book sellers by typing in my author's name Winnie Shields, or Miisrael. My books are sold on world-wide web sites!
High School: George Washington Carver High School in Memphis, , TN class of 1970
Activities & Accomplishments:
Award winner of certificate of Exemplary Services as a Hall Monitor 1970. Was member of group of ladies called: "The Charmettes" who projected politeness and of course, lots of charm!
Best Memories:
I remember making my first book of poems in high school from construction paper and strings. It was titled "Crying The Rain" I enjoyed writing about things that affected my personal life during that time--including my best friends and high school crushes! It's a grand memory for me.
I currently work with Self as Author/Writer
I have 10 years of experience working in the Arts, Entertainment, and Media industry.
There is so much more than that large feasting at Thanksgiving. One, or any number of us know reference for giving thanks takes on the venues of being an American. It reads through history and mem ...more
Posted by MIISRAEL Bride on November 21st, 2018 • 5,004 Views
A MORNING HAPPINESS :  04.18.2017- 04.18.2017 A MORNING HAPPINESS : 04.18.2017- 04.18.2017
Posted by MIISRAEL Bride on April 19th, 2017 • 2,474 Views
Posted by MIISRAEL Bride on April 17th, 2017 • 2,987 Views
Posted by MIISRAEL Bride on April 1st, 2017 • 2,560 Views
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Guestbook Comments
It's my pleasure to have you join, us as a new or seasoned member. May you have an amazing, blessed and marvelous day
Tagged by Ralph White on 01/14/2024  
@Ralph White: Thank you so much for your guestbook comments...I've been away a while it's delightful you stopped by. And I will continue writing! God's Blessings Ralph!
Tagged by MIISRAEL Bride on 03/26/2017  
@ Madoree Pipkins Sorry, it took me so long. A pleasure to meet you dearest!!
Tagged by MIISRAEL Bride on 03/26/2017  
Nice meeting you too! Glad we can connect!
Tagged by Madoree Pipkins on 02/29/2016  
"Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he or she has overcome while trying to succeed." - Booker T. Washington
Tagged by Ralph White on 03/16/2015  
I visited your blog. Very interesting. Keep up the great work.
Tagged by Ralph White on 09/08/2014  
God bless you and may you have a marvelous and productive day. When you get a chance please visit my profile to check out some info that might appeal to you.
Tagged by Ralph White on 02/12/2014  
“Courage: the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently.” ¯ Maya Angelou
Tagged by Ralph White on 09/01/2013  
Thank you for making me your friend. Check this out (See it to believe it. And if you still don't believe it, or Check out the information for yourself. Here is something I wrote to the U.S. Copyright Office and then I sent this information to the news media, and Oprah Winfrey, and CNN network, just to see there response.) Read my poem called Remebering My Historical / Prophetical Poem During The Republican Convention , located on my page/blog and if you don’t believe it check the information through the US Copyright Office. Peace
Tagged by Terrance McCreary on 08/30/2012  
Need your support. We are "Helping Seven in Twenty-Eleven", can I send you some information? or 585-503-4114
Tagged by Esther Pinkston on 01/19/2011  
congratulations on your acheivements. Striving for peace and a piece of heaven 2011 committe to new goals
Tagged by Renee Wiggins on 01/12/2011  
Missrael, I would like to keep in touch. Check me out at least once a week - okay? I'm always up to something...
Tagged by Mythical Bliss on 09/22/2009  
Thank you Misrael for replying. Welcome. I look forward to knowing more. Please access the PRESS RELEASE at Have a Blessed day. In Christ. Eliza.
Tagged by Eliza Earsman on 09/12/2009  
Hi Miisrael. How are you? Thank you for adding me as a friend. I hope everything is well with you. Take Care!
Tagged by Heather Kollar on 08/10/2009  
I look forward to meeting you too. You have done alot. Keep up the good work and what the lord has called you to do. I have read the bible at least times in my life time and Revelations is the most confusing to me.. One day, I will get it. Job is my favorite and I have been tested over over.. Still, like job I keep passing the test..Spread the word about me up there.. I coming soon.. Check out my network at and join me. I could some more fans of my writing over there.
Tagged by Hardest Working Woman in Credit on 06/16/2009  
Thank you So Much!! It's Wonderful!! You are greatly appreciated! Thank you for the well wishes on my review.
Tagged by Patricia Neely-Dorsey on 11/06/2008  
Thank you So Much!! It's Wonderful!! You are greatly appreciated! Thank you for the well wishes on my review.
Tagged by Patricia Neely-Dorsey on 11/06/2008  
hi ... come join us on the new HBCU social networking site at ... please invite all your friends. Thanks
Tagged by Alexander Adeyinka Templar on 08/20/2008  
Having viewed my profile, why not take time to join my's a wondeful place to express love, beauty and harmony. Read or key in your joyful thoughts and or quotes and stories. waiting for you.--Me too.
Tagged by MIISRAEL Bride on 08/16/2008  
Thanks Stephanie! I will keep on movin, letting my light shine
Tagged by MIISRAEL Bride on 08/16/2008  
Just stopped in to say hi
Tagged by Walter Johnson on 05/26/2008  
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