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Q&A With Shonell Gomes

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Shonell Gomes
Location: Elmont, NY United States
Birthday: Jul 19th
Joined: Aug 15th, 2008
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Which HBCU has the latest curfew?
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High School: Valley stream North in Franklin Square, NY class of 2009
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In my OB.GYB practice I have dealt with thousands of women and the consensus is that men are non-communicative at best and babbling neanderthals at worse--YET, when a man communicates in polysyllables, he is accused of--borrowing the sayings of poets and authors. ewgmd33atyahoodotcom--Lets chat I have been fascinated with the English language ever since a high school English teacher (MRS. MAUER) stated to a group of us (All Black) that we could never speak correct English. Today I carry an electronic Thesaurus in my briefcase. My genius son got 1400 on his SATs as a junior without any extra preparation. (Parental pride!!) There are no paraphrases or Poets or authors cited or anon. in my writings. If I do, I will give credit as such. . I do not adhere to plagiarism. I talk just like I write. WYSIWYG (anon) Smile !!. End of diatribe. . Just wanted to set the record straight. . & Peace & Power, The Ern
Tagged by E. Wyman Garrett MD on 02/03/2010  
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