"Absolutely NOT! My father always said a liar will steal, a thief will kill! That nugget kept us kidz inspired not to lie (or get caught) because my father always preached strong morals and ethics. My parents always told us that if you lie once, you will have to keep telling a lie to cover up the first lie. You will always end up in a corner faced with your original lie and it's painful.
As an adult, I put into practice that lesson on many times because we are humans. However, I learned to live the way my parents expected and especially since turning my life over to the teachings of Christ and Christ-like behavior.
As a mature Christian and Adult, the gift of discernment is strong and when I discover that another adult has lied, I avoid them and have no trust in their word. The moral of this response is to honor your word and make a daily effort to obey God's commandments. It then becomes so much easier to tell the truth and deal with the consequences and know that you are esteemed and respected for being honest.
Passing the peace, "
"I believe the more we reach back and help each other from the top, the more we will solidify our raace. Too often, blacks have 'made it' and never looked back. This only keeps the ones left behind angry and frustrated. What I see as a shift of more successful blacks giving back and reaching back, the more I see the confidence of others raised.
We must become more race-friendly in order for others to listen to us. Our positive ole models must not be afraid to hug a young brother or listen to the little sister. We have to close the gap and be less frightened about the possibility of losing what has been acquired. We must not be frightened about each other and become more compassionate towards each other across social classes, too."
"Boy, what a tough question. Many books have contributed to the tranformation of my life, but most notably the bible. More specifically, discovering that black people are the Kushites. Then King David and the book of Psalms. The relationship this King had with God resonated in my spirit and still does.
Other than that, I would have to say "Dust Tracks On The Road" by Zora Neale Hurston because of her love for her people during her era to choose them as the subjects of her work. I love the way she talked about their everyday lives as if they were truly important people. Her imagination to make her characters lively through her "Spool People." Her wit.
Before then, I would say, "A Woman Of Substance" by Barbara Taylor Bradford because I was very young in my twentites but after reading that book, I knew it was possible for me to be strong and accomplish a goal that women were not suppose to do. That was when I first began dreaming of owning my own publishing company. I realized women could be business owners and yield power and be empowered. I realized I wanted to write professionally one day, too. I also realized that there was something wrong with white people in control of Africa and the diamond industry so I began thirsting for more information about that as well. That book still inspires me today."
"Arriving at a place in life where you can live your dream brings much peace and happiness. Doing what I do now came by God's order and not the road I had paved for myself.
That is confirmation to me that I am fulfilling God's purpose. It brings me joy to touch smeone's life by just sharing my story and they smile and believe they can do more with their own life.
It is self-gratifying to hear from people months down the line and they have made some type of improvement in their life while living with a mental illness.
I do not dread what I am doing and I hate to have to call out "sick." Smile."
"Of course, God's healing hands and faith to me, but my children are my second biggest motivators. I will never fail in their eyes becaue they will carry that self-help, self-determination spirit into the next generation.
I hate it when children do not have parents as positive role models. "
"Yes, indeed. I find so much peace and inspiration in museums. Studying ancient history is a real treat for me. Can't just name one. - The Reginald F. Lewis African-American Museum, The Blacks In Wax Museum (both in Baltimore) and the African-American Museum in Detroit Michigan."
"Ha...! The last run-around, casual pair came from Rainbow. It is a Kelley-Green patent leather shoe with a half-inch wedge and toe out. It is absolutely so comfortable and worked out well for that presentation above that kept me moving around the room for 3 hours. The shoes cost a hefty $9.99!:)- So, where did you get those shoes YOU have on?"
"Absolutely! There's nothing better than a Holy dance just like David, the Psalmist, loved to dance for the Lord. I have always loved dancing and it is great exercise. Because I have a lot of youth in my life and as a Part-Time teacher, I always let the kids show me a few of the new steps and I enjoy "clowning" around them. It helps with gaining their respect and makes teaching easier for the rough heads--LOL! I'm still working on some of Beyonce's moves (Lord, that chile got too much energy) and I think "Superman" is fun. Of course, ole skool dances are the best and you guys will never be able to out-dance us! HA!"
"I would learn and understand the negative issue thoroughly. Then I would creat a positive solution that I can achieve. My focus would then shift to that positive solution with advocacy and zeal. Thank you for a good question."
"Convince one more person to seek mental healthcare for him or herself, a family member, others. Continue to raise the awareness of brain disorders such as Bipolar. Show the world that stigmas hurt not just the person, but the community at large. Publish my book, "Cooling Well Water: A Collection of Work By An African-American Bipolar Woman" and then sell each copy I could afford to self-publish~!"
"Not any more, but I did when I was young. Now, I subscribe to Maya Angelou's simple philosophy which is very deep and profound and true: When people show you who they really are, believe them."
"That my paternal ancestors landed on the Gullah-Geechie Islands of the Lowcountry. That it is beautiful down there and I hope to retire there with my family rich in culture. It is very rural in my "hometown" and the peace is very enticing. That palm trees are the state tree and justifiably so. That sitting on the front porch with lemonade and staring off at a field of corn softens the mind. That church really is "chuch." That the love and compassion from neighbors toting homemade cakes from house to house on Sundays is sincere. That swimp and grits is so dang good! That if you slip up, the whole town will know it and beat you down. Smile."
"God and the way He speaks to me through nature. My daily experiences with managing and coping my brain disorder of Bipolarity. It is good mental therapy and it is the single-most way I can reach back into the community to uplift others. The color of a flower petal or the hummingbird that hovers over just one pink flower petal. The way the golden yellow sunflowers tilt their giant heads towards me as if to say, "hello." The tiny little lavender flowers that form on green weeds. The simpilist things in life inspire me to write because it stimulates my mind to stay healthy. Then there is..."
"As saved by God. As reaching back to our community to raise awareness of mental illnesses and treatment for it so we can all enjoy a quality of life. For my advocacy work. For my integrity and tenacity. For my love of my children and God's people. For over-coming major obstacles. And for my book: "Cooling Well Water: A Collection of Work By An African-American Bipolar Woman.""
"Peace and happiness. I know that sounds so cliche, but when you have a taste of it, you understand why folks say it! When you fulfill your God-given purpose, you have peace and happiness. Otherwise, it's just a job and you're just living."
"My divine purpose is to show that God is real through my testimony and my walk. When I was called to reveal my mental illness, I didn't get it. Once I got it, God manifested in my life like I never believed possible. Thus, my book reflects my lifework ... to date!"
"Ha, ha, ha. I am responding with humor (a little). I would flee to France/Greece where Tina Turner lives! (I swear to God it comes from Heaven above)!"
"I believe so. It was a journey I am still walking, but I now know the purpose for my life. The minute I discovered what it was, doors opened up and bright lights came on. "Walk this way." The Lord beckoned."
"I am Founder/President of Levine-Oliver Publisher. I will be releasing my first self-published book this Winter 2008.
My goal is to be a publishing house that teaches advocacy skills, self-help, and self-determination through storytelling.
My work is faith based. I have already began publishing a blogazine known as Swaggie's Voice at http://swaggiecoleman.blogspot.com. That is a unique blogazine that truly took on a life of its own and I am most proud!
I always tell foks to look at the very first blog entry and then the most current. God guided my hand and Swaggie's destiny.
So LOP will next release a book and LOP also does presentations on issues affecting the community of special needs individuals. God continues to direct my path."
"Parents must, must take the responsibility to raise their kids. Too much time is wasted when parents assume the child is reared in school and, therefore, does not instill basic values and morals. So, I suggest that families return to the days of having dinner together as a family and actually discuss values and morals and how children can apply them to real-life situations in the community and school. This is a great interview question. Thank you."
"It would definitely be to e the best I can. The only judge of me that counts is God and I can arrive at His gates faster than the next prson, but will I be allowed in?
Agnes ~ Too Wise Not To Praise Him!
Author of "Cooling Well Water: A Collection of Work By An African-American Bipolar Woman" ISBN 0975461206 Winter Release Pending - www.myspace.com/coolingwellwater
"I dream of Levine-Oliver Publisher becoming an African-American publisher headquartered in Baltimore, MD and a major publishing outlet of African-American Literature.
I hope to always publish books that empower the special needs community especially."
Apostle Agnes Levineis that I was chosen by Soveign God to be helpful to others with a mental health condition.
Apostle Agnes is a mother of two adult children. She currently is President of Levine-Oliver Publisher, Inc.and The Arc of Maryland Partnership in Policymaking and Founder of Cooling Well Water Ministry. Agnes completed the Masters in Public Administration/Minor in Legal and Ethical Studies programs at the University of Baltimore and holds a BA Degree in Political Science from the University of Baltimore. Agnes is also an alumna of the former Community College of Baltimore where she studied Paralegal Science.
As a parent of a severely disabled young adult, Agnes has combined experience, education, knowledge, and skills in public policy and is a graduate of the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation/Maryland Developmental Disability Council Federal Advocacy Program, as a life-time member of Maryland Partners in Policymaking and oversight of disability legislation and implementation, service delivery.
Agnes is also has experience and participation in NAMI Training Classes: Peer-To-Peer, Basics, IOOV. I am a former Grassroots Mobilization Committee Member for the National Alliance on Mental Illness - Metropolitan Baltimore Chapter, and NAMI Maryland and NAMI South Carolina and NAMI Georgia at www.namgai.org, member Board of Directors for NAMI-Charleston, SC, and a certified NAMI IOOV Presenter.
As Founder and President of Levine-Oliver Publisher, Inc., Apostle Agnes has published a book, "Cooling Well Water: An African-American Bipolar Woman, and "I Saw You In His Eyes: Reenie's Story which is scheduled for Winter 2023 Release. The book is in paperback format and delves into how mental illness affects a young black woman.
Contact me at levineoliverpublisher@gmail.com for one-on-one support and encouragement to pursue your dream despite having a mental health condition such as Bipolar Disorder, Major Depression, PTSD, Anxiety Disorder.
Publishing an informative newsletter k/a LOPnewsmag bringing valuable news to our African-American culture; especially persons seeking mental illness recovery success! It's possible and stigma cannot stop us living with a mental health condition.
Life & Professional Aspirations:
"I believe as an African-American author, we can never have enough said and printed words last forever. Because of that, it is my personal goal to show the future generation that hard knocks come fast, but you use them as stepping stones to greatness!
Therefore, I will continue to tell my story to encourage members of our community to seek mental and spiritual wellness with self-determination, self-help, Self-Care and zeal!"
This goal has developed into the mission for Cooling Well Water Ministry which is to empower, educate, edify, heal and deliver, and spread the gospel of Jesus Chtist for discipleship. Please also join me on Facebook (Apostle Agnes B. Levine and LinkedIn -- mention BIA for acceptance, please).
John 3:16 KJV/NIV 1 Cor. 12:26 KJV/NIV
Early this morning, the Senate made history and health reform cleared its most important hurdle yet -- garnering the 60 votes needed to move toward a final vote in that chamber later this week.
Thi ...more
Posted by agnes levine on December 21st, 2009 • 3,673 Views
In my "Enough Is Enough" post, I shared with you the wonderful news about Congresswoman DeLauro and her brave move to support healthcare reform. That move by Senator Rose DeLauro has made a strong di ...more
Posted by agnes levine on December 19th, 2009 • 7,270 Views
And it seems like we are nerve-wreckingly close! It also seems like the Lord is on our side with record-breaking snowstorm on the East Coast this weekend.....
First, Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro has ...more
Posted by agnes levine on December 19th, 2009 • 4,677 Views
Greetings Family of Advocates - where are you guys? Smile!
Today is the day to unite with the fast skills you learned a few weeks ago. As you know, healthcare reform is facing critical defeat the ...more
Posted by agnes levine on December 17th, 2009 • 3,513 Views
It's my pleasure to have you join, us as a new or
seasoned member. May you have an amazing,
blessed and marvelous day
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Ralph White on 10/11/2023
God bless you and may you have a marvelous
and productive day. When you get a chance
please visit my profile to check out some info
that might appeal to you.
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Ralph White on 03/30/2014
My Name is Gina I was impressed when i saw your profile at hbcuconnect.com and will like you to email me back to my in box so that i can send you my picture for you to know who i am . i believe we can establish a long lasting relationship with you. In addition,i will like you to reply me through my private email box (gina2_u@yahoo.com). This is because i don't know the possibilities of remaining in forum for a long time please reply me to my email OK. Thanks,waiting to hear from you soonest.
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gina arona on 04/25/2011
Thank you Evangelist Agnes for replying. Welcome. Please see the PRESS RELEASE at www.elizaearsman.com (via home page). Have a Blessed day. In Christ, Eliza.
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Eliza Earsman on 09/22/2009
Hey Agnes, hope things are going well for you.ppreciate the blog comments "My Office Garage", I replied. Tke care Sis-William.
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WILLIAM W. HEMMANS III on 02/04/2009
Thank you Agnes for your blog comments "Your Test Leads To Your Testimony".
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WILLIAM W. HEMMANS III on 01/06/2009
Stopping by to tell you " I love you"" go Queen!! things are going to be great for you
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Marta Fernandez on 12/07/2008
Hey Sis. Please forgive my late post (computer difficulties) now I can finally respond, etc. I am the contact person for my book at this time. Please feel free to contact me anytime. God bless you Sis.
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Minister Linda A. Haywood on 11/25/2008
Hi Friend, I like you outfits (dresses) if you send me your email I will show you a pic of three of my children dressed in traditional dress.
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Dr. Lee Brown on 10/22/2008
OOOOoohh..That's EXACTLY what I want to hear. I want peop;e to be able to feel, hear, taste , and see it all though my minds eye ..I positive , inviting view. THANK YOU!!
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Patricia Neely-Dorsey on 09/06/2008
OOOOoohh..That's EXACTLY what I want to hear. I want peop;e to be able to feel, hear, taste , and see it all though my minds eye ..I positive , inviting view. THANK YOU!!
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Patricia Neely-Dorsey on 09/06/2008
I am so glad that you enjoyed my poems . I know that you would love the book and I would love your feedback.
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Patricia Neely-Dorsey on 09/06/2008
Yes yes, you know some REAL stuff about the South (smole)T
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Patricia Neely-Dorsey on 09/06/2008
Thanks for the friend invite. I am honored. I hope tha tyou will read my book and tell me what you think...then help me spread the word.
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Patricia Neely-Dorsey on 09/06/2008
Hello Agnes, hope to find all is well for you. Thank you for the time, kindness and sharing in the Blog in the Prayer Room. I just want to give credit where it is due. God Bless, Sis, sincerest William
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WILLIAM W. HEMMANS III on 08/28/2008
Thank youi for being my friend I hope you are having a successful day so far my GOD bless you
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MARK ADAMSON on 08/25/2008
Hello Ms. Levine! Absolutely, indeed, one can live a successful life with Bipolar Disorder. It, like any other disorder, e.g. hypertension, etc, is fine, when treatment is in placed and followed. Peace to you, James
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James McTyre Jr. on 08/22/2008
Thank you Agnes you are very kind. YOU are the one who is an inspiration!
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Dr. S. Maxwell Hines on 08/20/2008
Hello Agnes, thank you so much for what you added to the Blog "Surrounded by the Peace of God". I have 2 run, but I wanted 2 say Thank U. have a Great Day, sincerest William
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WILLIAM W. HEMMANS III on 08/19/2008
Hello Agnes, just stopping by to say hello!
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EDC Creations on 08/19/2008