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Q&A With Evangelist Cookie Hunter

What is your passion in life?
"My passion is people! Helping them. encouraging them, praying for them, sharing my faith!"

Interviewed by C. Joyce Farrar-Rosemon 03/20/10

(interview me)
Evangelist Cookie Hunter
CEO, Kingdoms Child Ministries

Location: Huntsville, AL United States
Birthday: Dec 20th
Joined: Aug 20th, 2008
About   (request update)
Evangelist Cookie Hunter is the founder of Kingdoms Child Ministries, An Internet Prayer and Praise Ministry. She is also active in her local community as an evangelist, chaplain, prayer warrior, intercessor and bible study facilitator. She attended high school and college in Cleveland Ohio and also The Huntsville Bible College, pursuing a Bachelor of Theology degree. She is a writer and the self-publishing author of "The Menopause Prayer and Care Journal" and "Faith Walk". She designs Christian greeting cards and jewelry.
My Interview Question
What is your favorite candy?
Current Whereabouts:
The Book, "Faith Walk", will be out June 2011!
Life & Professional Aspirations:
To self publish several self help and inspirational books.
Education   (request update)
High School: John Hay High in Cleveland , OH class of 1970
Activities & Accomplishments:
Best Memories:
I currently work with Kingdoms Child Ministries as CEO
I have 15 years of experience working in the Consulting Services industry.
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Guestbook Comments
Very nice profile photo, Cookie
Tagged by WILLIE DYCKS on 04/09/2011  
Once you type in the site's address, you'll have to register, but your exposure would be to literally, millions around the world. So, yes would be the short answer. Unless you have done all of this already.
Tagged by Bill Cooper on 07/26/2009  
Please acknowledge your reply and if you would like, give me a 'rating/recommendation'.
Tagged by Bill Cooper on 07/24/2009  
Hello Evangelist! Will you please just go into the site: Once in, click on members' section to my id Texman200 and you should reach me . Please rate me and tell all your friends about this site. I have many things going on that would be of interest to you in your work. Refer your friends-all of them. See you on Click on "members" section is the key. See you there.
Tagged by Bill Cooper on 07/24/2009  
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