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Q&A With Patricia Neely-Dorsey

What book have you read that changed your life?
"The Four Agreements. The concepts are so simple and really common sense but it's so powerful to have them reinforced in the manner that they are. Everyone should read that book! It would certainly be a wondeful book to start the New Year off with."

Interviewed by Pam Perry 01/02/09

If you had all the money and time you wanted, how would you spend it?
"If I had all of the money that I wanted, I would do much like Oprah in setting up networks and opportunities to help all people in need and to try to showcase and bring out the good in all mankind."

Interviewed by GAIL COOPER 09/04/08

(interview me)
Patricia Neely-Dorsey
Location: Tupelo, MS United States
Birthday: Feb 7th
Joined: Aug 27th, 2008
About   (request update)
My name is Patricia Neely-Dorsey. I am from Tupelo, MS. I moved back to my hometown, in August 2007, after living almost 20 yrs in Memphis , TN working in the mental health field. In February 2008, I published my first book of poetry Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia-A Life in Poems.(GrantHouse Publishers)
It is a true celebration of the South and things Southern. There are so many negative connotations associated with the south. I want to show a flip side of the coin. There is much to love about this much maligned and misunderstood part of our country. Though childhood memories, personal thoughts and dreams, I attempt to give a positive glimpse into the southern way of life.



Selections from Reflections of a Missisippi Magnolia-A Life in Poems:

If you want a glimpse of Southern life,
Come close and walk with me;
I'll tell you all the simple things,
That you are sure to see.
You'll see mockingbirds and bumblebees,
Magnolia blossoms and dogwood trees,
Caterpillars on the step
Wooden porches cleanly swept;
Watermelons on the vine,
Strong majestic Georgia pines;
Rocking chairs and front yard swings,
Junebugs flying on a string;
Turnip greens and hot cornbread,
Coleslaw and barbecue;
Fried okra, fried corn, fried green tomatoes,
Fried pies and pickles too.
There's ice cold tea that's syrupy sweet,
And cool, green grass beneath your feet;
Catfish nipping in the lake,
And fresh young boys on the make.
You'll see all these things
And much, much more,
In a way of life, that I adore.
Copyright 2008 Patricia Neely-Dorsey

There's nothing like a Southern man,
He's a man that you should know;
He's one to whom you'll find no equal,
Anywhere you go.
He has a sweet, molasses talk
And a slow, smooth gliding walk.
He's got strong firm hands that let you know,
Real work is nothing new;
He has no problem with the fact,
That he should provide for you.
There are certain kinds of values
This man is sure to hold
His love of home and family
Is sure to not grow cold.
He'll deeply love his mother
It's a bond that's always there
All throughout his life this man
Will show her tender care
He's one that you can count on,
To do the manly things;
He'll change the tire and check the oil,
And fix the back yard swing.
But underneath a tough exterior,
A gentle soul lies too;
He's one who'll rock the baby
And even cook a meal for you,
On Sundays he'll sit beside you singing,
On the same church pew.
There's nothing like a Southern man,
He's a rare and special kind;
If you look forever, anywhere,
He's the best you'll ever find.
Copyright 2008 Patricia Neely-Dorsey

Let's go for a ride in the countryside,
And make lots of stops along the way;
Let's soak in all the warm sunshine,
And create a perfect day.
Let's stop at someone's roadside stand,
And maybe buy some fruit;
Let's pretend it's some great find,
Just like a pirate's loot.
Let's go inside a country store,
And have some bologna cut;
Let's sit outside and eat our fare,
Like some treasure from King Tut.
Let's always enjoy life's simple things,
And to their full extent;
Let's always spend these kinds of times,
And make it our intent.
Copyright 2008 Patricia Neely-Dorsey

I want to enjoy my Mississippi Man
On a Mississippi day
Soaking up some Mississippi sun.
I love the way we do
Mississippi things
And have our Mississippi fun.
He makes me laugh
A Mississippi laugh
And smile
A Mississippi smile;
And I guess, if he would ask me to,
I'd run
A Mississippi mile.
Copyright 2008 Patricia Neely-Dorsey

SHADES OF LOVELY (Good Enough to Eat)
Women of color are a sight to behold,
It's amazing to see their delicious colors unfold.
Brown Sugar,
Brown Rice,
Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Gingerbread and Toast,
These are just a few of the colors,
That Black women boast.
There's Pecan, Almond, Walnut and Coconut Creme;
There are more shades than any could dream.
If chocolate's your weakness, they have every hue,
White chocolate, Dark chocolate and Milk chocolate , too.
They come in Caramel and they come in Toffee,
They even come like you like your coffee.
There's coffee with cream and coffee black,
Of any variety, there's certainly no lack.
There's Espresso and Mocha and Cafe au lait,
Too many colors to count in a day.
From Banana to Licorice, including Hot Fudge;
If prizes were given,
Who could possibly judge?
When you see women of color,
In all their array;
There's nothing more lovely,
You'd just have to say.
Copyright 2008 Patricia Neely-Dorsey

I've always loved how I'm made,
It's always seemed so right to me;
Everything is just in palce,
How it ought to be.
I've always loved my honey skin,
And my thick coarse head of hair;
If I could change it all today,
I'm sure, I wouldn't dare.
Since I was in my early teens,
I've been five feet six;
It's not too tall and not too short,
So, there's nothing there to fix.
I'm so proud of nature's gifts,
Everything's as it should be;
And put together as it is,
Is just what makes me
Copyright 2008 Patricia Neely-Dorsey

When I look back on my life,
I think how wonderful it has been;
To have had the most wonderful parents of all,
And a host of wonderful friends.
My high school days were blissful,
And my college days so fun;
Fond memories are one thing for sure,
That I have by the ton.
I'm so glad that I grew up on Mississippi sod,
My t-shirt reads: "American by birth,
And Southern by the grace of God"
My life has been so wonderful,
I wouldn't change one condition;
As one friend of mine always says,
I should have paid admission.
Copyright 2008 Patricia Neely-Dorsey

-by Patricia Neely-Dorsey


My Interview Question
What do YOU know about the South?
Current Whereabouts:
Life & Professional Aspirations:
best selling book(s) of poetry
Education   (request update)
Boston Col class of 1986
Undergrad Major: Psychology
Campus Organization:
Alpha Kappa Alpha
High School: Tupelo High School in Tupelo, MS class of 1982
Activities & Accomplishments:
Best Memories:
sunshine and laughter
Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia-  A Life in Poems by Patricia Neely-Dorsey Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia- A Life in Poems by Patricia Neely-Dorsey
Patrica Neely-Dorsey's fascinating book of poetry is a true celebration of the south and things southern. Using childhood memories, personal thoughts and dreams, the author offers a positive glimpse ...more
Posted by Patricia Neely-Dorsey on October 27th, 2008 • 5,270 Views
Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia-  A Life in Poems by Patricia Neely-Dorsey Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia- A Life in Poems by Patricia Neely-Dorsey
Patrica Neely-Dorsey's fascinating book of poetry is a true celebration of the south and things southern. Using childhood memories, personal thoughts and dreams, the author offers a positive glimpse ...more
Posted by Patricia Neely-Dorsey on October 27th, 2008 • 5,015 Views
My Groups
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
black is beautiful!
Lyrical Liquor
Guestbook Comments
God bless you and may you have a marvelous and productive day. When you get a chance please visit my profile to check out some info that might appeal to you.
Tagged by Ralph White on 04/20/2014  
Pat, Had to send you a 2nd note. Wow, Very Impressive Website. I truly love your poems. My favorite: Shades of Lovely!!! Loving me and Reflection of a Miss. Mag. I must order your book soon. Please keep on doing, what your doing!
Tagged by WILLIE DYCKS on 05/05/2011  
Hi Pat, I was very Impressed with your poems. Would love to read more. May God continue to Bless Your Process!
Tagged by WILLIE DYCKS on 05/05/2011  
Need your support. We are "Helping Seven in Twenty-Eleven", can I send you some information? or 585-503-4114
Tagged by Esther Pinkston on 01/19/2011  
Happy wed
Tagged by Jim Lewis on 12/01/2010  
Thanks for your page visits and support. I've been working on rebuilding my brand and having people encouraging and praying definitely is helping. The new site is up: and loaded with more on how to live life well with less pain and more health and wellbeing. Always welcome your feedback.
Tagged by Vinicent Holland on 04/23/2010  
Patricia, do you know someone who could use our program? It's at
Tagged by Esther Pinkston on 02/06/2010  
Hi, I am just stopping by your page. Nice poems
Tagged by Ms.Michael BellJunior on 08/22/2009  
HI Patricia, and I think the outlet to show your beautiful thoughts will fare well on Have you had a chance to visit yet? Say high once you are on the site.
Tagged by Bill Cooper on 07/27/2009  
Tagged by Bill Cooper on 07/25/2009  
Tagged by Bill Cooper on 07/25/2009  
Hello Patricia how's it going? I'm just passing by to say hello. I hope all is well with you. take care!
Tagged by Heather Kollar on 07/22/2009  
Thank you for sharing information. If you are into poetry, read my poem and if you like my poem add me as a friend.
Tagged by Herb McC on 07/02/2009  
Hello Patricia, How is your year taking off? I would love to hear from you.
Tagged by Marilyn Dailey on 02/09/2009  
Hi Patricia, thanks for reaching out to me about your book. I will check your site out.
Tagged by Cynthia Bell on 01/29/2009  
I will do just that, for you I'm about to tell my daughter about the ones that I read on your profile, I like!
Tagged by barbara walker on 01/16/2009  
Hi my name is Barbara Walker, and I would love to check out your poetry. I love poetry so I just know that it will be worth the time. Sorry it took so long to get back to you, but I am just signing on from Jan. 2008 lol, I'm busy all the time, in need of a vacation ASAP.
Tagged by barbara walker on 01/16/2009  
Tagged by LEROY SEYMOUR on 12/28/2008  
There actually in Merridean and Philadelphia. When I've gone to MS, I've stayed at the same Marriot in Tupelo each time and they were so precious (smile). My family name is McClain (granddmother - Merridean and Philadelphia) and Horne (grandfather - Jackson, MS- oops! forgot about them - never really associated).
Tagged by Princess-`Odilia nln on 12/26/2008  
Also invite some of your friends.
Tagged by Tonja Williams on 12/26/2008  
That is what we do help each other. Join my website and I want to feature your book on my page.
Tagged by Tonja Williams on 12/26/2008  
This is awesome! I will be sure to support you with your book. My mother's side of the family is from Merridean and Philadelphia, MS. I had the wonderful opportunity of staying in Tupelo for 3 Christmas's in a row and it was so... wonderful there. The peace, the people, the love, the experience was so... wonderful. I will be in touch with you. Please visit my site at so that you can read about my new book, Pregnant in the Spirit - how to birth a life of TOTAL fulfillment. Continue as you are in God and be blessed!
Tagged by Princess-`Odilia nln on 12/26/2008  
Hello again Patricia, I am still trying to learn the most effective way to navigate these sites, so I'll try forwarding an account of what it was like growing up and surviving for us in Jim Crowish Montgomery when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white passenger. It's the attaching and forwarding of this account-by email- I'm'clumsy' with but I'll try. I can say this for your poetry: It has much rich, beautiful imagery, especially of some of those scrumptious southern MS dishes! It prompts me to recall the movie: "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner" for the poetic aromas your verse-making ability evokes. The metaphor you are develop-as in our women-their diversity-really springs to life! By the way, your Husband would appreciate the comment I just sent to Dwight, a new friend who lives in Jamaica Queens, NY. I worked there in Jamaica for SSA from 1988 to 1992-doing disability evaluations. Another highlight of my SSA career.
Tagged by Bill Cooper on 11/30/2008  
I just love your poetry, Mrs. Dorsey! Keep up the great work.
Tagged by Lakeitha Johnson on 09/12/2008  
I most definitely will spread the word about your book. Best wishes!
Tagged by Wanda Haynes on 09/10/2008  
Your poems are beautifully written. A wonderful job on your masterpieces.
Tagged by Wanda Haynes on 09/09/2008  
Pat, thanks for the very valuable data, in poeti form", about the south, specifically, Mississippi. I too, a southerner (S.C.), but my work has provided an opportunity to work with the Mississippi HBCU's. I love the "new" Miss.
Tagged by Larry B. on 09/08/2008  
Hi Soror! I'm still working on my appreciation of poetry. It's often too abstract for my analytical scientist mentality, but the sample of your work is inspiring. I think I will purchase. Continue to uplift Mississippi!, Soror Anita
Tagged by Anita Elam on 09/08/2008  
Hi, Patricica! I enjoyed your poetry. I will look forward to learning more about you and your works.
Tagged by Phyllis Smith Campbell on 09/07/2008  
Hi Patricia! I enjoyed reading your profile and loved your poetry. I'm not a "Southern Man" as I am originally from Philly. But I have lived in the South for over a decade. I share many of the values of my southern bros.
Tagged by Dwight Brooks on 09/07/2008  
Thank you Soror for sharing your poetry with me. I am originally from Columbus,MS but now living in GA. I will purchase your book of poetry and spread it to others. Be blessed!!!
Tagged by Trina Y Williams on 09/07/2008  
Your page is a breath of fresh air. I must visit more often. Thanks for reaching out..
Tagged by Heawatha Watt Sanders on 09/07/2008  
Hello Patricia. Thanks for visiting my page. I'am from Mississippi also (born and raised). I loved growing up in the South!!!, because it was so down to earth!! . I enjoyed your poetry and will purchased your book.
Tagged by Thelma Howard on 09/07/2008  
Your words are rich in imagery and can be felt and tasted. It beckons readers to the South.
Tagged by agnes levine on 09/06/2008  
Southern man for a Southern life!
Tagged by agnes levine on 09/06/2008  
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