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Q&A With Bill Cooper

Tell me something interesting that everyone should know about you?
"I grew up in Montgomery, AL., VERY poor. Although did not Know her personally, My Mother, Henrietta Fields Cooper, knew Rosa Parks. They rode or waited at the same bus stop together sometimes in 1955, when Ms. Parks REFUSED to give up her seat to the white passenger. This started the Montgomery Bus Boycott, and my Uncle, U. J. Fields was elected Dr. Martin Luther King's Recording Secretary of the Organization that was formed, the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA), to provide support and leadership for the Boycott. I was only 9 years of age, but my 4 sisters, brothers and I supported the Bus Boycott."

Interviewed by baby sankara 05/08/11

Are you a D.I.V.A.?
"NO! But I am married to one. Pardon my saying so, but you and she have striking resemblance. She will not mind our friendship, because of the causes we serve...I'll learn the other part of your message, I am sure, upon our becoming friends. Please read my profile here and follow me on"

Interviewed by Shannon Ms DIVA Holliday 12/31/10

Are u a greek?
"No! My active life since graduating from college was replaced by many other passions. Can we be friends anyway?"

Interviewed by Sherrie Boyd 12/26/10

what is new in your life?
"My new opportunities that have materialized-Suddenly! Several major national events or court/natural disasters, my alum. How I wish to visit the days of 'yore' on old Normal's Hill? What a 'Ride' on my A&M journey (1964-1971) that now gives me my purpose for being. Please follow me on, "

Interviewed by JACQUELYN MARTIN 12/25/10

How Can We Benefit Each Other
"I have made mention earlier, that it was Abraham Lincoln who is reported to have said, "A friend is one who has the same enemies as I do". Please read my profile and then follow along on Facebook. There is a place"For you" in our endeavors. Our 'work' is so satisfying and rewarding, because of current issues we are addressing for Americans! Therefore, I call you Friend..."

Interviewed by Carolyn Massey 12/25/10

How would you like it if your annual income became your monthly income?
"I sould not send any checks back, but will you tell us how that works?"

Interviewed by Minta Moss Beard 12/24/10

"It is so hard to control the human nature, we each were born with. And, frankly, each one of those responding to your question, as I understand the question, is not "qualified' to give an answer. God, Almighty warns that the human "heart is desperately wicked, above all things" in Jeremiah. And yet, all humans are urged to control this nature that 'follows' every motive that drives our human existence. What I hope you got from this response, arguably, controversial, is do not TRUST your human thought process-without Spiritual consultation, O Man-woman! "

Interviewed by Debra DeBerry 12/23/10

Why is networking so hard to make the connection?
"One man's opinion! Many ways to 'network' are in existence. Why, one can start with the spouse slept with every night to the neighbor when there is occasion to say 'hello', every now and then. An idea, thought, person, encounter in the grocery store or doctor's office that sparks an interesting, information laden conversation can be all it takes in our age, world today. However, today we live in what is called by the experts. the 'information. age. Nothing reigns more supreme in it than the INTERNET-never anythinglike it in the recorded history of mankind. So much information until, it would not be a stretch to conjecture researching the origin of that term can cause one to get lost just researching the many 'paths' that can lead us to the term's origination and use. Still, there is a good likelihood if one knows where he wishes to go on the internet. and ignores all of the distracting trails one can be led down on it, in pursuit of that 'right' connection, Voila! This will do for right now, you may say to yourself, as you begin to repeat your process of searching, but from a different point of origin and with a renewed purpose or focus. And would you believe that is exactly why this friendship request is being sent? Without a photograph to go on, it's the idea that registered with me first in making the request. S0, please let us have a photograph some time later. "

Interviewed by Shirley Treadwell 12/19/10

If I am looking straight at you am I seeing the real you.
"Wow! What a thought-provoking question but one that needs answering truthfully, to have a clear conscience. And that's the key. Human nature always wants to put on the 'good face', hates to admit wrong from time to time. And frankly, does 'wrong' when it wants to do good. You know: "The flesh is willing, but the spirit is weak"! So, if you'll allow for tripping over the 'halo', which I knock in place when I become aware it's there, my conscience being pricked-most of my life I try to keep this old human nature in check. And strive to live a life that is 'above reproach'. Please visit my profile. By the way, I had many delightful times serving the people in Ann Arbor (Liberty Street-also Lansing, and Grand Rapids, Michigan (" M go Blue"! Or something to that effect-before retiring from SSA and returning to the south-my roots.. "

Interviewed by Louise Parham 10/31/10

why did you choose the college you choose?
"My family was so poor, college became 'out of the question. I had prepared, literally, to go fight and 'die' in the Viet Nam war. Had gone to the inductee center in Montgomery-after passing a 'battery' of exams, both mental and physical in 1964! And the day before I was to enlist, My Mom brought me this letter, addressed to her from Alabama A& M University, Huntsville, Alabama. "Dear Mrs. Cooper", Your son, 'William' has been awarded'... The Gates to Freedom, my family's release from poverty, racism, were flung wide open! From Montgomery, Alabama and entry to the world the 4-year scholarship was to bring. The rest is history-see where it took me-my profile-from that moment until today.."

Interviewed by whitney everett 10/31/10

What inspires you to be the women you are the today or to become the woman you want to me?
"And if I had that answer, you and I would both go on a long, long cruise. Would love to know you better, anyway!"

Interviewed by Takayenna Myers-McGee 10/30/10

Are "Men with Money" more arrogant and rude than those with out?
"There are few men 'with money' these days. Seems to me , as I look at you. You could and should do 'Anything you set out to do' Read my posts, visit my profile, here and"

Interviewed by LaFondra Demby 10/30/10

Who defines what it means to be black?
"I think we all do. The black 'culture' is so unique. It spans the spectrum of human pyhsical, mental, emotional, and cultural gambits. That is why no one Black epitomizes the entire Black race. We individually, have many strenghts-weaknesses as any other race. The downfall comes when we fail to recognize the incredible potential each of us possesses, coming out of my (our) mothers' wombs. Nothing holds me back, except Bill. Read a few of my posts and blogs to see further why I take, will take such a stance, especially my profile. But right now, there are many troubling markers I see on the horizon and can no longer ignore.."

Interviewed by Celesti Colds Fechter 10/23/10

Why did you decide to join
"Nice to know you, William. You have such an incredible tool here to get info out to the social sites. One thing is for sure. Many American homeowners need to begin to come to terms with the possible ramifications of the just imposed housing foreclosure 'meltdown' moratorium for them in most-perhahaps all 50 states by now. We at our Company have been assisting homeowners with staying in and keeping their homes since the housing crisis began. Therefore, we are considered a 501(q) entity by the IRS, because of the nature of our services provided in regard to our housing counseling services. Our company, Cooper and Associates Services along with partnering company Twenty-First Century Solutions, Dothan, Alabama 36303, ph 334-405-2503 or email cooperdothan@aol would like to be involved in a more meaningful way to educate our people. Millions are beimpacted by this mortgage foreclosure fraud-many on the HBCU and related communities. Let us know ifyou feel there is more these sites can do and what role wemight play at Cooper and Associates. The many ramifications to property owners and possible legal challenges that can be raised against lenders are just coming to light. The "Robotics" technology used to flim flam millions out of their properties, by so many lenders, for so long is said to have reached unconsconiable proportions. See our posts this site, your sister sites,, etc. "

Interviewed by Will Moss 10/11/10

What school do you represent?
"I am an Alabama A&M univ graduate, in the class of '68. Please review my profile. Also, consider joining us as we follow the housing foreclosure 'meltdown-in the wake of the just imposed-maybe all 50 states by now-foreclosure moratorium? "

Interviewed by Demetria Bazemore 10/11/10

What place are you at in life right now?
"Like I am, you seem to be a 'people' person. I seek them out as friends!"

Interviewed by Kathleen Dow 09/30/10

What Is Your Vision?
"I am l'oaded', Just ask Altheris, Val, Aunt Gertrude-pass along my regards! Follow the links re your late Cousin Cujo, what a guy!"

Interviewed by Lutonya Lang 09/30/10

Do you think women should have a best friend?
"If the same motive for having one applies to the man. It seems you presuppose it's okay for the man. but not for the woman. I would love to explain the difference, as John "Cujo" Cooper bluntly say, "Hell... My conscience will not permit me to go farther. See,etc."

Interviewed by Mittie Clark 09/07/10

What are your interests?
"We use this moment of so much grieving since my younger brother's death. Would you like to know how? I would suggest we start with, my story re "Cujo" r.i.p, and other sites. Let me know your thoughts."

Interviewed by Siebra Muhammad 09/07/10

What would you do diffrently at college if you had the chance to start college all over again?
"I grew up in Montgomery during the Martin Luther King-Rosa Parks years. Many family members and Mom still reside there. Much history can be there for you if you keep in touch. Thank you for being a friend."

Interviewed by lanell crayton 04/29/10

my city of birth

Interviewed by Bill Cooper 10/10/08

(interview me)
Bill Cooper
substitute teacher, consultant, former law student, City Board of Education, freelance paralegal,business consultant

Location: Dothan, AL United States
Birthday: Mar 13th
Joined: Sep 11th, 2008
About   (request update)
Oldest of 9 surviving children who grew up ln Montgomery during the Jim Crow Law days in the deep throes of poverty. We were on the cutting edge of the civil rights movement, suddenly, when Rosa Parks sparked the Montgomery bus boycott under the leadership of Dr. King. Our uncle was King's secretary in the organization that was formed-The Montgomery Improvement Association-to provide effectiveness for the intended purpose of the boycott to bring Jim Crow Law down in defeat. By the way, I was the first of the 10 children to come out of poverty and led the other 9 who also became successful, productive members of society; who all survive as does our mother in her 91st year; who lives to this day independently in her modest 4 bedroom home. I love our story and currently have publishers interested in the manuscript I am editing. I also am interested in lecturing about what it was like to grow up deep in Dixie during those Jim Crow years when Blacks were 2nd class citizens, even less thought of in some quarters
My Interview Question
my city of birth
Current Whereabouts:
Alternative energy resources research, writing my memoirs of life in the south during the 1950s, 60s, and early 1970s
Life & Professional Aspirations:
Writing, lecturing, traveling and sharing experiences of my life's work and accomplishments.
Education   (request update)
Alabama A&M University class of 1968
Undergrad Major: Chemistry
Campus Organization:
Alpha Phi Alpha
Claim To Fame:
Employed 29 years with Social Security District District Office, Bessemer, Alabama operations supervisor, New York, Chicago, and Atlanta Regions disability examiner including Birmingham's own SSA Southeastern Program Service Center as well as, the Birmingham SSA District Office when that office located in the 2121 Building on 8th Ave No. And served as an SSA national trainer for years; introduced the Supplemental Security Income Program (SSI) via radio, newspaper, and television public service announcements during my almost thirty-year stint with the agency. Retired and serve as an advocate for the elderly, disabled, the underserved members of our society. Write and lecture on life experiences, especially those of life and growing up in the deep south during the Martin Luther King (an acquaitance) era in Montgomery. Attended Dr. King's funeral in Atlanta April 1968. Enthusiast for alternative energy sources. In 2004, I think I heard the voice which spoke: "I heard them say, he went to Dothan" Gen 37:17, where I met and married my partner for life...
Most Memorable Moment:
Elected student government president during my last undergraduate term (1967-1968). Was chosen to meet at the Redstone Arsenal Airport Astronaut Michael scott Collins, Commander of the lunar module that also took Neal Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, the first two men to set foot on the moon. Cmdr. Collins was guest lecturer at our college to recount this phenomenal historical experience. Served as college associate chaplain and concert choir member, etc. In the wake of Dr. King's assassination helped quell violence rampant in many parts of the country, but that did not occur on Ala. A&M's campus in the days following Dr. King's assassination during my student body president leadership. Traveled over the country while in government (He reminds joyfully, coast-to-coast-to-coast-to-coast) service and continue to travel. Returns to Birmingham after being away a quarter of century, to lend a hand to help the economically healing community-in ways only his talents, experience, and expertise deliver (one speaker put it in an introduction) before my giving a keynote address).
Grad Major:
High School: G W CARVER in Montgomery,, AL class of 1964
Activities & Accomplishments:
National Honor Society Inductee, science-math fairs winner, graduate class of 1964
Best Memories:
National honor society, Gentlemen's Club, Science and Math Fairs winner, Essay contest winner, Boyscout, Supporter of Montgomery Bus Boycott
I currently work with City Board of Education, freelance paralegal,business consultant as substitute teacher, consultant, former law student
I have 29 years of experience working in the Government and Policy industry.
Posted by Bill Cooper on November 25th, 2012 • 423 Views
Posted by Bill Cooper on June 15th, 2012 • 585 Views
Way IRS Treats BP Oil Spill Awards along the Gulf Coast Way IRS Treats BP Oil Spill Awards along the Gulf Coast
Tme to put all your 2010 tax filing documents before you. However, if you live (ed) in one of the seven Gulf Coast Oil lSpill cities the IRS is guiding since July 2010 in declaring losses due to the ...more
Posted by Bill Cooper on December 24th, 2010 • 772 Views
What Is The Question:  Terrorists, Terrorists Within Islam, All Islam?  AH!  That's Where Dialogue Breaks Down What Is The Question: Terrorists, Terrorists Within Islam, All Islam? AH! That's Where Dialogue Breaks Down
The video above I may have not posted it correctly. If it does not work paste in your browser: a time to speak attorney charles morgan birmingham 16th street baptist church bombing. ...more
Posted by Bill Cooper on October 18th, 2010 • 453 Views
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Guestbook Comments
hello my friend my name is Amanda, in my search for friend, i came across your profile and after going through it, i then made up my mind to contact you as my friend, hope you don't mind,if you are interesting in knowing more about me, i want you to write back to me through my email address. so that i can give you my picture, for you to know whom i am, a single girl, i'm waiting to see your lovely reply soonest, GOD bless you,have a nice day. yours Amanda.
Tagged by hambrick Amanda on 05/15/2012  
Hello it is my pleasure to communicate with you if you will have interest in me to know each other for relationship and will be glad if you write to me via email so that i can send you my picture( ) thanks from Angel, angelsunny42 at
Tagged by ange sunny on 03/11/2012 Hello. My Name is Gina I was impressed when i saw your profile at and will like you to email me back to my in box so that i can send you my picture for you to know who i am . i believe we can establish a long lasting relationship with you. In addition,i will like you to reply me through my private email box ( This is because i don't know the possibilities of remaining in forum for a long time please reply me to my email OK. Thanks,waiting to hear from you soonest. Gina.
Tagged by gina arona on 04/25/2011  
Hey Bill, Always good meeting someone from the same era, and almost the same first names. You at AAM & me at Central State. My best friend is an Alabama State Grad from Mont AL. Hope things are well with you and your. God Bless.
Tagged by WILLIE DYCKS on 04/09/2011  
Need your support. We are "Helping Seven in Twenty-Eleven", can I send you some information? or 585-503-4114
Tagged by Esther Pinkston on 01/19/2011  
Hi Bill, good morn, hope all is well for you and your family. I know somewhat about the problems with homes & foreclosures, but have not been following specifically, this news has been ongoing for some time now unless, new developments have been happening that I'm not aware of.
Tagged by WILLIAM W. HEMMANS III on 10/11/2010  
I am just stopping by your page.
Tagged by Ms.Michael BellJunior on 01/31/2010  
"You're very welcomed, Brother Bill!"
Tagged by Gregory V. Boulware, Esq. on 01/19/2010  
If you stop working will the money continue to come in?
Tagged by Esther Pinkston on 12/19/2009  
Thanks for all of your advocacy for the elderly and disabled. Peace
Tagged by Lynne W on 08/04/2009  
Ok, i have been to the site and saved you as a friend and recomended you.
Tagged by Evangelist Cookie Hunter on 07/26/2009  
I have you on my friends list already. Is this a new id?
Tagged by Evangelist Cookie Hunter on 07/24/2009  
Thanks Bill and welcome to my humble circle of friends. I look forward to reading all you have to share!! Let's stay in touch and feel free to drop me a line anytime...take care Juliet
Tagged by Juliet Newton on 03/31/2009  
If you have any special navigating or "survival' tips (with such crowds anticipated), I'm all ears!
Tagged by Bill Cooper on 01/15/2009  
I don't see a problem..see you in D.C.! I may zip by the Blue Stars for Obama --Breakfast..Be well--enjoy these Holy-Days!!
Tagged by Marta Fernandez on 12/26/2008  
Hi. I know a lot about Montgomery, AL. My parents forced me to spend my summers there as a child. Skee-Phi.
Tagged by Monica Davis on 12/24/2008  
Here is a good article on working for Obama that addresses the question you asked a few weeks ago:
Tagged by Will Saunders on 12/24/2008  
Thank you for sharing. I know you will get to the inauguration and have memorable things to share with the rest of us. I, too, am writing my memoirs. I wish you the best.
Tagged by Julia White on 12/22/2008  
Godspeed Beloved !
Tagged by Min.Dr.LaDonna Blaylock D.D. on 12/20/2008  
I work for all Americans and we are at a critical crossroads in our history. I hope you and all of us will remember that the new President Obama, is going to need time and a whole lot of understanding to "bring America" back. And that point was not lost on those of us at the dec. 17th economic forum. But I hope to be right there, informing, explaining, advising, etc... we'll chat more later, as the new 2009 tax season has changes that affect our members. Follow entries on "Renae's Taxes" (La Tax Femme) throut the new tax filing season.
Tagged by Bill Cooper on 12/20/2008  
Thank you for sharing this experience Mr. Cooper. I think I have felt that feeling several times. It's somewhat exhilarating, yet you feel as if your heart is at your feet.
Tagged by Janet Griffin on 12/20/2008  
Thank you for sharing this experience Mr. Cooper. I htink I have felt that feeling several times. It's somewhat exhilarating, yet you feel as if your heart is at your feet.
Tagged by Janet Griffin on 12/20/2008  
It's an honor to know you frat. As always, you are keeping the light shining and BRIGHT!
Tagged by Jackie Garrett on 12/19/2008  
It is nice knowing you, Martina. I invite you to join my groups especially the one, "Picture This!...Have You ..." About domestic violence your thoughts are welcomed. My other communities are...connectplatform, hoodeconomix, and blackinamerica.
Tagged by Bill Cooper on 12/15/2008  
Thanks for adding me. May God continue to bless you and keep you.
Tagged by Martina Carroll on 12/15/2008  
Have you visited the campus in Hunstville? It's a lovely city?
Tagged by Bill Cooper on 12/14/2008  
Then you'll want to join my groups on hood economix especially "Picture This...!", Life in the Deep South, etc. How about those on connectplatform
Tagged by Bill Cooper on 12/14/2008  
Thanks for visiting my profile Bill. I left a message in your inbox... Shalom blessings
Tagged by Devon Smith on 12/01/2008  
It is wonderful getting to know you. I am truly intrigued by your journey/your story. I am so glad that you enjoyed my poems. Stop by my website and leave me a comment in my guestbook. If you want to send someting through e-mail my e-mail address is
Tagged by Patricia Neely-Dorsey on 11/30/2008  
Hi Bill, people like u make me proud to be a bulldog! You do have an interesting history, I look forward to seeing it on the big screen! If you know of anyone who may need my services as a REALTOR please contact me. Thanks.
Tagged by melissa johnson on 11/25/2008  
It's nice to meet you. You have definitely done and seen alot. Hope your book goes well!
Tagged by Tanya Y. Giles-Hicks on 11/22/2008  
Thank you for the invite. I am honored. Glad to have you as a friend. -Glenda
Tagged by Glenda Gill on 11/12/2008  
Hi Bill, Keep up the good work. I see you're from my fathers stomping ground, Dothan, AL. Automatically makes it my roots...have not been there in 30 years. Will make a family reunion one of these years. Keep the faith!
Tagged by DARRELL MILES on 11/11/2008  
Thanks. Ulyses
Tagged by ulyses hooks on 11/11/2008  
Thanks for the invite...Sounds like you are really making great changes in young peoples lives...Thank you for helping other people!!! I will try to listen to the radio broadcast...Take care and Keep up the good work!!! Simeon
Tagged by Simeon Deskins on 11/11/2008  
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