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Q&A With Preshonda Starks

(interview me)
Preshonda Starks
Location: Indianapolis, IN United States
Birthday: Mar 16th
Joined: Sep 29th, 2008
About   (request update)
I plan on going to Tennessee State University in the fall to major in Occupational Therapy and Communications and minor in business. I will be the first in my family to go out of state to college and to a HBCU. I am a people person, I get along with everyone. I am always trying to make others feel better when they are down and out. I honsetly believe that GOD put on earth to help others out anyway I can. I have been through so much in my life, I can honestly say that it has made me astronger person and gave me more determination to be something in life and to go to college. I don't take education for granted becasue I know that it is the only way to success in the world we live in today!
My Interview Question
What do I want to major in?
Current Whereabouts:
Life & Professional Aspirations:
I plan on majoring in Occupational Therapy and Communications at Tennessee State Universiyt in the fall of 2009.I plan on being a succesful Occupational Therapist and motovational speaker to yourng girls. I would like to have 2 non-for-profit organizations one for children with disabilites and one for children living in poverty situations.
Education   (request update)
Tennessee State University class of
Undergrad Major:
High School: North Central High School in Indianapolis, IN class of 2009
Activities & Accomplishments:
Ladies First Program Key Club AVID student of the year A member of the AVID site team
Best Memories:
the SENIOR SKI TRIP to Michigan when the bus got stuck and the boys pushed the bus down the hill!! CLASSIC
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