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Q&A With Will Moss

Tell me something interesting that everyone should know about you?
"Nice photo!"

Interviewed by Nicole Baez 02/03/11

Tell me something interesting that everyone should know about you?
"We've got to make you our featured member!"

Interviewed by Rashida Beckford 02/01/11

Tell me something interesting that everyone should know about you?

Interviewed by Chelsea Brown 01/26/11

Why is it important to meet new people?
"You never know when an opportunity might knock."

Interviewed by Audrea Long 11/07/10

How did you choose your major?
"I have always been good with computer so figured computer science was for me!"

Interviewed by Larissa Mercado-López 08/03/10

Tell me something interesting that everyone should know about you?
"Justing making friends..."

Interviewed by bisheera arties 07/14/10

You could be a good friend?
"The best friend!"

Interviewed by Carmen Glory Mar 06/02/10

If you had all necessary resources to invent something, what you would you invent?
"A time machine... No doubt about it."

Interviewed by Julia H 06/02/10

Where are you from?
"Will Moss - Columbus, Ohio"

Interviewed by Simone Patterson 05/13/10

What, in your opinion, should be the limits to freedom, if any?
"The limit should be on crimes committed against others..."

Interviewed by Joamette Gil 05/01/10

What college did I graduate from?

Interviewed by Kimberly Washington 04/26/10

What's your personal philosphy
"Figure out what it is you want and act accordingly!"

Interviewed by Ericka Williams 04/16/10

Tell me something interesting that everyone should know about you?
"Love to make new friends :-)"

Interviewed by Danielle Cavallari 04/13/10

What is my name?
"Hi Jennifer :)"

Interviewed by Jennifer Cruz 04/05/10

What activities do you do to maintain your "sanity?"
"Running, playing with the kids, and cooking!"

Interviewed by Patricia Frye 03/11/10

Tell me something interesting that everyone should know about you?
"We have internship opportunities available this summer in Columbus, Ohio.."

Interviewed by Cassandra Henderson 03/10/10

Tell me something interesting that everyone should know about you?
"I am learning about real-estate investing..."

Interviewed by Kavindra Watson 03/10/10

"Sorry didnt understand the question :)"

Interviewed by Rhonda Davis 03/10/10

What is your inner-most passion and why?
"To develop software that people enjoy using that helps them do life better."

Interviewed by Jessica Reggans 03/10/10

How can we find a way to network?
"Find something we have in common, like the same city ;-). Get at m.e."

Interviewed by Currecia Coleman 03/10/10

Tell me something interesting that everyone should know about you?
"I'm an expert at ping pong..."

Interviewed by K FrmLA 03/10/10

what are your aspirations?
"Retire by the age of 40. Well just not to have to work any longer but I'd probably still just work for fun..."

Interviewed by victoria jones 03/10/10

What is your favorite genre of music and who is your fave musician?
"Hmmm great question... I would have to say Reggaeton. Favorite artist would be Wisin y Yandel..."

Interviewed by Theresa Walker 03/10/10

Whats today's mathematics?
"$100 + $100 = $200 $100 * $100 = $10,000 Now can you do that in business?"

Interviewed by Nicole Key 03/10/10

like walk under the moon?
"Yep as long as its warm out side!"

Interviewed by christina francis 03/10/10

What are your thoughts on Obama and his actions?
"I think Obama is doing the best he can given the mess that was left by George Bush Jr. What about you what do you think?"

Interviewed by Dawn Howell 03/09/10

What book have you read that changed your life?
"Dante Lee's - How to think big when you're small :)"

Interviewed by Pam Perry 02/07/09

What make you awesome?
"I'm not all religious, but I have come to realize that with God anything is possible..."

Interviewed by Ashley Meachem 08/04/08

Do you vote?
"Yep... Go obama!"

Interviewed by Jocelyn N. 06/28/08

What do you think is the biggest mistake that men/women make in their relationships?
"Lack of respect, lack of communication and setting unfair expectations on your partner."

Interviewed by Allen Cook 03/12/08

Describe your greatest achievements
"My greatest achievements would probably be graduating from college as the top computer science grad in my department, going on to work for AT&T Bell Labs, got promoted super quick, then went on to start my own internet "dot com" business that has done quite well over the years, now employing 10 people... Great question!"

Interviewed by yasselyn reyes 03/10/08

What is your favorite food?
"Hmmmmm. I love food, so I will break it down by the major stuff I like to cook or eat... Indian Food, Greek Food, Mexican Food, Pizza, Japanese Hibachi stuff.... :-)"

Interviewed by Dominique Jackson 03/07/08

We are all here for a purpose. What is your purpose and God given gift?
"Man what a great question! I believe my purpose to be the following: Be a great son, brother, and friend and father... I think the best way I can do those things is to use my God given gifts, which include my ability to think strategically, my ability to develop software and my ability to related to and respect others... Great question..."

Interviewed by Tirrell Whittley 03/07/08

Whats a "Must have" quality in a friend?
"Great question... The #1 must have quality of a true friend is absolutely RESPECT. Think of all of the best friends that you have and you will probably find the #1 common denominator is that you respect all these people, and they respect you..."

Interviewed by Monica Davis 03/07/08

What's your favorite vacation spot?
"Historically my favorite spot has been the Dominican Republic for sure but I'm trying to see some new spots this year... Maybe Brazil... I also love Puerto Rico..."

Interviewed by Elda Cepeda 03/07/08

If you had to change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
"Hmmm... I think I would like be a little more organized with how I use my time... I pretty much love myself especially my personality... Sometimes people say I am too nice but at the same time people who really know me say I am too direct and I don't sugar coat things..... So hmmm I kinda like how I am... "

Interviewed by Ms. Who? 03/05/08

What is the top trait that is a must in order for someone to be a true friend to you?
"Honest and trusting... My true friends all forgive me for my shortcomings... you can tell when someone is not a true friend because they will be impatient with you and expect you to cater to them and their needs..."

Interviewed by Charles Augustus (Gus) 02/23/08

What is your view on family as a whole, no just family you create from marriage
"Family is what really makes us rich in life..."

Interviewed by Daniel Skinner 02/22/08

Do you dance?
"Like a fool! :-) hehe I just had to answer that question..."

Interviewed by Nanci Zhang 02/22/08

What do you most like about yourself?
"You know me! I like everything hehehe... Nah, actually I think i like most the fact that I am ambitious and powerful in that every major goal I set in life, I achieve. I also have some pretty good friends ;-)"

Interviewed by Joyce Brayboy 02/21/08

When did hip-hop music stop being hip-hop and turn into wack rap music?
"Hmmm... Good question bro... I wonder the same thing, for sure... I think it was really when we saw the introduction of 2 things: Gangsta Rap (West Coast/NWA) and then Bling Rap (Jay-Z Dame Dash) where rappers went from talking about fun stuff and telling stories, to talking about shooting, killing, b*tches, and on the bling side, when they started talking about money, diamonds and riches... I still prefer the pure hip hop. "

Interviewed by Dee Chandler 02/21/08

What do you do when (you think) no one is looking?
"Spank my kids... hahaha Relieve a wedgy... Get on (gotta keep an eye on them fools...) Ride my motorcycle close to the limit... Hide money hahaha..."

Interviewed by Quentin Bolton 02/20/08

What are your dreams in life?
"Freedom and happiness are my dreams... I can't say I am not happy, but it's definitely a daily goal and objective. I also will one day have a house or condo in 5 different countries :-)"

Interviewed by D M 02/20/08

Why should I accept your friend request?
"I just wanted to welcome you to and be your first friend ;-)..."

Interviewed by Sandra Lopez 02/20/08

Have you ever been out of the country? If so where did you go?
"Actually yes. I have been to several different countries. Canada, Bahamas, Mexico, Japan, England, Jamaica, and the Dominican Republic. Out of those places, I liked the dominican republic the best..."

Interviewed by Ilma Oliveira 02/19/08

How Will This Relationship Benefit The Both of Us?
"If you and I connect on a business venture, then I would fully expect the result to be some serious revenue bro. You need to tighten up your profile though so you can really get some connections ;-) hehe."

Interviewed by Dante Lee 02/20/08

(interview me)
Will Moss

Location: Blacklick, OH United States
Birthday: Jul 8th
Joined: Jun 1st, 1999
About   (request update)
Will Moss is President & CEO of HBCU CONNECT, LLC and has been in this position since founding in June of 1999. HBCU CONNECT, LLC owns and operates the largest Historically Black College & University website in existence and reaches approximately 350,000 website visitors each month.

Mr. Moss, a 1995 graduate of Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia, graduated as the top Computer Science scholar in his class and went on to work as a lead software engineer for AT&T Bell Labs from 1995 until starting in 1999.

Mr. Moss is also considered an expert in internet topology, internet marketing, and online diversity recruitment strategies. In 2010, Moss launched a number of social networking websites for the African American community, including sites such as,,, and was recently a guest on the “Monique Show” on BET talking about a new project,, the largest free dating site for African American professionals.

William often gives presentations to college students on entrepreneurship, career preparation, and the relevancy of technology to African Americans. Moss’ experience in corporate America as an intern, employee, and consultant lead to the development of HBCU Connect as an answer to the lack of an existing platform for HBCU students and graduates to communicate, network and take advantage of related opportunities.
Current Whereabouts:
Working on mostly with my team in Columbus, Ohio. Also working on the soft launch of and my network of free dating sites (google ads are my friend). Also been single, so that sure does lead to a lot of wasted time... Waiting for a suitable partner to show up.
Life & Professional Aspirations:
To be happy, enjoy my friends and family and to have enough money one day such that I don't have to work any more. I'll work for fun at that point.
Education   (request update)
Hampton University class of 1995
Undergrad Major: Computer Software Engineering
Claim To Fame:
Featured on the Monique Show. Launched dating site.
Most Memorable Moment:
Hanging out with Sam I Am and the Bunchster.. My highlight real on the basketball court behind Harkness hall...
Keller Graduate School of Management class of 2002
Grad Major: Marketing
High School: Walnut Ridge High School in Columbus, OH class of 1991
Activities & Accomplishments:
I ran track, played basketball, and was in the marching band as a snare drummer. I should have played football or ran track all 4 years because I was a straight beast after my one season of running t
Best Memories:
Why did me and my friends used to cut line in the cafeteria everyday? That was wrong!
I currently work with HBCU CONNECT, LLC as Founder & CEO
I have 32 years of experience working in the Advertising/Marketing/Public Relations industry.
Chief Executive Officer | HBCU CONNECT, LLC
From June 1999 to Current • 26 year(s)
Launched the first ever social network for students and graduates of HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities). Developing the software from scratch, working with clients looking to market to the audience, and now managing a team of over 20 employees dedicated to providing opportunities for African American and Latinx Professionals and College Students.
Software Engineer & Feature Developer | Lucent Technologies
From January 2000 to September 2004 • 4 year(s)
Developed features for network fault management software using C, C++ and other proprietary parsing languages. Worked with SNMP protocol to parse and organize fault alerts coming from network equipment in a mission critical software application.
Sr. Software Engineer | 3X Corporation
From January 1998 to May 1999 • 1 year(s)
Developed Full Stack Software Applications in Java and Visual Basic. Lead a team of 16 Engineers on various consulting deployments for clients in Central Ohio such as Columbia Gas, Columbia Service Partners and more.
UI/UX Developer / Software Developer | AT&T Bell Labs
From May 1995 to January 1998 • 3 year(s)
Member of Technical Staff Software Developer responsible for developing User Interface for Unix Applications on New ATOMICS for NTT. Used C, C++ and proprietary UI languages to develop interfaces. Developed several internal efficiency and automation tools in Perl/HTML/MySQL LAMP environment.
Software Development Intern | AT&T Bell Labs
From May 1994 to August 1994 • 0 year(s)
Summer Intern for the New ATOMICS project, developing code in C++ to handle the font-end login system for the entire multi-million dollar software project for NTT of Japan. Successful completion and full-time offer extended at end of summer.
Software Engineering Intern | LCI (Litel Communications Incorporated)
From May 1992 to August 1992 • 0 year(s)
Served as an Intern thanks to the INROADS Internship program sponsored by LCI in Dublin, Ohio. Developed software fixes and new featured in COBOL and VAX server custom software to support the customer service team managing client accounts. Completed the internship with flying colors as a resounding success for LCI, myself and INROADS.
HBCU CONNECT and BAE Systems Host Successful Virtual Recruiting Event for HBCU Talent HBCU CONNECT and BAE Systems Host Successful Virtual Recruiting Event for HBCU Talent
HBCU CONNECT, the leading platform for connecting HBCU students and graduates with top employers, successfully hosted an exclusive virtual recruitment event in partnership with BAE Systems on Thursday ...more
Posted by Will Moss on February 4th, 2025 • 344 Views
Maximus Opens Applications for 2025 Summer Internships on HBCU CONNECT - Apply Today! Maximus Opens Applications for 2025 Summer Internships on HBCU CONNECT - Apply Today!
Are you ready to gain real-world experience, develop your professional skills, and build connections that will launch your career? Maximus, a leader in technology-driven business solutions, is off ...more
Posted by Will Moss on January 31st, 2025 • 1,982 Views
Air Force Removes Tuskegee Airmen Training Videos Following Trump’s DEI Order! Air Force Removes Tuskegee Airmen Training Videos Following Trump’s DEI Order!
In a controversial move, the U.S. Air Force has removed training courses that featured videos highlighting the heroic contributions of the Tuskegee Airmen and the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs) ...more
Posted by Will Moss on January 29th, 2025 • 984 Views
Reality Show Casting Call for Singles Looking for Love and Second Chances Reality Show Casting Call for Singles Looking for Love and Second Chances
Are you looking for a SECOND CHANCE WITH YOUR FIRST LOVE? If you are a true romantic who is pining for “the one that got away”, this is your golden opportunity! A MAJOR ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK kno ...more
Posted by Will Moss on January 22nd, 2025 • 622 Views
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Guestbook Comments
Tagged by Mau-Un El-Bey on 08/15/2023  
hello will great to reconnect with the community. this is such a cool place to learn and share!!!
Tagged by rickey johnson on 04/06/2023  
Hey Will - good to hear from you! We’re doing well. Counting my blessings with everything going on. How are you and the family?
Tagged by Jon C. on 08/19/2020  
Level Up!?
Tagged by Yusef R. Frasier on 07/23/2020  
Hello fellow member. First I would like to wish you a blessed day. Secondly, If you get a chance, visit my profile page where you will hopefully find some words of wisdom. While you are there, be sure to visit my website where you will be able to view a video concerning your health and your longevity. You will also learn how the pharmaceutical industry is misleading the public and making millions.
Tagged by Ralph White on 03/29/2020  
Thank you for the warm welcome !
Tagged by Tamara Gillard on 08/18/2016  
Hey how's it going? See you're killing it in real estate... I need to take a lesson. Everything's good here, we moved to Jacksonville a few months ago and things are going pretty well. Hope everything's good with the family. J
Tagged by Jon C. on 10/13/2015  
"Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he or she has overcome while trying to succeed." - Booker T. Washington
Tagged by Ralph White on 03/13/2015  
Greetings Big Brother!
Tagged by ELLenor MOSS on 09/19/2013  
As you enter positions of trust and power, dream a little before you think. Toni Morrison
Tagged by Ralph White on 11/02/2012  
This is really the first time I've actually taken the time to check out HBCUConnect. I like, congrats!
Tagged by Charmaine Washington on 04/18/2012  
Hey thanks, just got caught up in responsibiity for awhile but glad to be back.
Tagged by Breana Tuckett on 08/30/2011  
thanks Big boss!
Tagged by Nataly Lavren on 07/29/2011  
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