I got a problem...
I got a boyfriend...he is cool...been knowing him for a while...we got together right before i left for school...He's like the husband type...trying to get his mind right and all of that...
But then *background music*dum dum dum dddddddduuuuuuuummmmmmm*
I met another guy who damn...he is so damn...i can't explain...he's the rough type...type that needs that ride or die chick...and damn...he's just that **** that you can f ck...kick it wit...be real wit...have fun wit...all of that...
My friends don't like him but one of my partnas was like..."that would be just the **** you'd fall in love with"
I don't know if I should break up with my boyfriend or what...I want to wait until decemeber when I go home to see if its as strong as it should be...but then again I don't want the other one to be like f ck it either...I'm so damn confussed...i told the one down here that i broke up with my boyfriend though...but...i don't know
how bout you just stick to the boyfriend you have... b/c that rough type **** will be the very first one to smack you when you do somethin wrong.... and then you gonna be wishin you had the "hubby type" back... and he gonna be all successful... best bet is to keep what you have...
Stay with your current BF. This is one of those situations that could end up like this...you dump your current BF for the "****" and then after a while the **** gets tired of you and dumps you and you are heartbroken, but then your ex boyfriend already has a girlfriend and you can't get him back, and you will be devastated.
stay with your man! PLEASE. I think the guys already said it best. Look at the long term, and not just the here and now. However, if u think that commitment just isn't for u at the moment, and u still need to time to dibble and dabble, then i say don't lead your man on. But if u have sumthin good, babygirl, please don't be negligent. Becuz i know PLENTY of females that would love to be in your shoes. myself included
Nevertheless, no one can dictate your steps other than you and God. Pray about it, think about it, and do what u sincerely feel is best. It's on u momma :wink:
how bout you just stick to the boyfriend you have... b/c that rough type N*gga will be the very first one to smack you when you do somethin wrong.... and then you gonna be wishin you had the "hubby type" back... and he gonna be all successful... best bet is to keep what you have...
I agree with D and remember the saying: You never know what you have until its gone...and u don't want to lose something good in your life to find out it was the best thing you had and you can't get it back, stay positive, safe, and keep ya head up -1LUV
how bout you just stick to the boyfriend you have... b/c that rough type N*gga will be the very first one to smack you when you do somethin wrong.... and then you gonna be wishin you had the "hubby type" back... and he gonna be all successful... best bet is to keep what you have...
Wow...sweetie...I'm need for you to smell yaself right now....cuz this is what the f#ck is wrong the the whole of womanity...
^^Shut the phuk up Q
But I concur wit everybody who said stay wit yo man. Like D said, that **** will be quicker to raise his hand to you, and then I'm gon have to crack that n i g g a 's legs wit a baseball bat.
I agree with what everyone else has said. I think you should stay with your current boyfriend, especially since he IS doing the right thing and has his head on straight. As far as the ****, I know I used to want a ****, and when I got one I wished I never met him. I mean he was a nice guy, but it was just for that moment. I think you truly need to be thankful that you have a man who is doing the right thing and being faithful because there are plenty of women who wish they could have a man who fits the description of your current boyfriend. And if you are still confused...then PRAY (praying should actually be the first thing you do). Good luck though. I hope it all works out.