i read this poem the other day...and tried to reply, but my computer kept actin' up...
but anyway...at first, I wasn't going to reply because....like I'm sure most others have felt in reading this, you just become at a lost for words...
#1, HamptonSweetie...I am sorry about your brother (a cliché u might've heard a million times thusfar...but still wanted to say it)...
and #2...it's nice that you expressed your feelings in form of word...and so thoroughly...
in reading that poem, felt like I had got caught up in some of your emotions...
again...I am sorry for your lost...but do keep writing - expression by word seems to be a gift of yours...
Say, Nicole, why didn't you come to the Spark One meeting... it was soooo nice. We have them every Tuesday at seven in the Student Center T.V room (on the second floor).... everyone was reading their personal poetry, so if you ever need an emotional outlet, it's the place to be.
Call me (hey, wait... I'll probably see you tomorrow, lol...)