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Meet Kennedy Bishop
Attending Florida A&M University Majoring in Psychology
Meet Madison Roberson
Attending Undecided Majoring in Nursing
Meet Nevaeh Whitehurst
Attending Undecided Majoring in Nursing
Meet Darius Jackson
Attending Jackson State University Majoring in Computer and Information Science
Meet Alani Burke
Attending Undecided Majoring in Theatre
Meet Michelle Cheruiyot
Attending Bowie State University Majoring in Nursing
Meet Shannon McDaniel
Attending Southern University and A&M College Majoring in Engineering Mechanics
Official List of HBCUs in delaware!!!
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Delaware State University
Delaware State University is an HBCU located in Dover, Delaware, with an enrollment of 4,872 students. Tuition runs $6,829 for in state students and $10,606 for out of state students. more...